View Full Version : Need help with my bathroom anxeity

08-24-2011, 10:51 AM
Hey guys, so im new here, and was just wondering if I could get some help on my bathroom anexity...
I have had it for years now, but this is my senior year of high school, and I feel as though its getting worse.
I have been going to counsling for about a month now, and I had no anexity during the time i was going to counseling during summer, but now that school started, I've been stressed, and anxious. My fear is that I will not make it to the restroom in time, and I would feel trapped or stuck, and get humiliated because of the ordeal. This has never happened before though, its all in my thoughts, I think about different senarious on how it would happen during class or whatever.

I did have an ordeal when I barely made it to the restroom in 7th grade, and had to rush out of the classroom, and the teacher and student made a comment like "you make it in timee" in a mocking way, I think its related but, you know,, idk, because this problem has been off and on.

Its currently only with pee, I "feel" as though i have to go, but i just went 30 mintues or an hour ago. I fear it will be for bowel movements as well.

I have looked up online for this problem and have found a few, but I would like to ask this for my self.

any advice?