View Full Version : Someone please help me.

08-23-2011, 06:36 PM
I believe this is anxiety, correct me if I'm wrong. Though I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is, that doesn't mean I'm not scared. Some comfort, advice, etc. would be helpful. So anyway, I should probably get started.

I've always been the type of person to ask 'what if' about anything and everything. When I was around seven years old, I thought I'd be murdered every night. I feared death to the point that I constantly thought my time was running out and my days were coming to an end. However I lived long after that, but the anxiety never ceased to exist.
I remember being five years old when it first happened. A boy had admitted to liking me, causing me to puke. It's normal to get that nervous feeling around someone you like, but I didn't think it was common to throw up. It happened again several years later in fifth grade, when I was invited to my best friends birthday party. Any social event, crush, or big event I had made me vomit.
My parents would tell me I would outgrow it, but overtime it only got worse. Instead of puking once and being done, I'd throwup for a week straight, eating nothing and drinking very little. I'd miss so much school, so many events. I had no social life and kept myself locked up in the comfort of my home most days. My hands constantly sweat and my minds always racing with a thousand different worries. I have my fair share of anxiety attacks as well.

This past month though, my anxiety has taken a turn for the worst. My mind feels hazy all the time. Like I got no sleep at all, almost as if nothing here's real and I'm in a dream. I constantly fear that I'm dying soon and that after this week/month/year, I'll be gone. I can't focus on anything my mind's so fogged up, and I constantly have this really tingly feeling. Like the feeling you get before an anxiety attack/when it's wearing off. One small thought about death or one of my fears, will trigger an anxiety attack; either small or big. My memories going bad and everythings just so confusing. I don't feel here. And I'd honestly rather just die than feel this way anymore. I can't go on living the rest of my life like this. I need serious help. I also looked on the symptom list; I have most, close to all, of the symptoms of anxiety.

I know I need to see a professional. The problem? I'm fifteen years old and my dad's convinced it's all in my head. That there's no anxiety disorder, I'm too young to have one. According to him, this is an exaggeration and there's no use in relying on medication for everything. He keeps holding off on it, but I managed to get him to promise to call tomorrow.
In the mean time, what should I do to relax? And what do you think the doctor will prescribe me? I've heard different things from several people. Stuff like, most psychiatrists will give me medication for depression, not anxiety. Some won't give me certain medications that I may need, due to age. Some won't think anything's wrong with me. From your experience and what you know, what do you think will happen? I'm concerned I'll walk away with no medication to help me, or the wrong one. I'm in tears right now, I just want to feel normal again and not this numb feeling anymore.

08-23-2011, 06:44 PM
I think the only medictation that has been legally approved for under 16 year olds, is Prozac, but that is nonetheless a very effective medication to take if it's decided that you need it.

Well done for being firm with your father, sometimes people don't see how seriously anxiety affect's lives, and underestimate it, it's important not to be satisfied until you've found large amounts of relief at least :)

I'm not sure you'll get prescribed medication straight away, due to your age, as studies show, that CBT is very effective in treating symptoms such as yours, without the need for pharmacuticals. Right now you're in the middle of anxiety, and it can seem like it's eroding you. But you'll learn some coping strategies from your therapist or doctor, which will take away various symptoms over time, and allow you to regain normality. Doctors are very well trained. If they feel you need medication, and you are honest and open about everything that's happening, they'll give it to you.

As for relaxation; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFwCKKa--18 this is a good place to start, it's pretty short too.

All the best, and good luck with the doctor! You're going the right way!

08-23-2011, 07:34 PM
Dreamer... so sorry you are having these problems starting so young. But age doesn't matter with any of it. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. There are many of us suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, or one or more of the many things that can affect how we feel. I, like you, used to think all kinds of thoughts when I was younger also. Maybe not as young as you, but I remember my mind always working and never giving me a rest. I don't remember what helped back then, but something did, that's for sure. I've also had some panic attacks about 14 years or so ago, but found out mine was from having sleep apnea. I would stop breathing while sleeping, and by not getting the good sleep, it would definately make me sleepy, my mind foggy, and would affect my moods, and my whole body. Anyway, it's too bad your father won't listen to how you feel, because it really helps us if people listen to us, and know that we are telling the truth about how we are feeling. It's in our heads, but it's not being made up. I really do feel it's a chemical imbalance myself. If I were you, and your dad won't listen or make an appointment with your doctor for you, I would talk to your counselor at school, or one of your teachers who you can communicate with, and see if they can help somehow. Even a school nurse might be able to recommend something for you. But don't give up, there really is life without these feelings, it just doesn't seem like it when we are having them.