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08-23-2011, 05:40 PM
Hello my name is Trevor, people call me Trev. I have been struggling with what I believe to be anxiety for the last 9 years of my life. I have done everything I can, and I mostly rely on keeping busy like driving, school(hardly). I've tried so much, but I can't beat it. To describe my anxiety in moments of extreme anxiety I become scared, depressed, terribly emotional(to the point of crying). It's worn down on me, I have what seems to be terrible memory brought on as a long term effect although not proven yet. I have so much to say, and I just need to talk to somebody, maybe someone who knows what it's like and how to deal with it. I have been in a relationship, but when It failed originally I suffered from what seemed to be perpetual anxiety, which soon calmed down, and ever since then it has been extremely severe. I am going to college, and I get extreme anxiety when I go in, and I just can't calm myself. Anytime I have anxiety my heart beats a thousand miles an hour, I just want to run away and hide, I'm extremely scared, and only recently have I begun to get angry. Just need some advice, what can I do? Just talking to someone is relieving I'm really scared sometimes for my own sanity.

08-23-2011, 06:20 PM
Hi trev, nice to meet you.

It sounds like anxiety is very on top of you at the moment, and you aren't in control, no shame in that at all. There are various holistic methods that can be approached, including a daily relaxation program. Doing something like Deep Muscle Relaxation (youtube it) will help you relax somewhat.

I'll be honest though. I experienced symptoms such as yours, and they are all consuming. I wanted to go it myself, use natural methods, but there came a stage when I realised I wasn't functioning. In the end, I decided to take an anti-depressant, and after a short time, I calmed down somewhat. It was only then I could really address my life in the clear light of day, the frustration's I was feeling, how disconnected with things I was and everything that went with it. As good as holistic approaches are, and as much as I like them, to be blunt, you can't learn to meditate whilst riding a rollercoaster. If you haven't tried it in the past, it may be worth talking to your doctor about it. If you are on it, maybe a dosage review, or the type needs to be altered, as it's job is to stop you feeling like this.

If you have the option, it may be worth trying therapy first if you already haven't as this will give you a greater understanding of things.

In the meantime, feel free to talk away, everybody here will listen, and give you any advice they have, you may find being able to vent and talk about whats bothering you, helps alleiviate a lot of the problems.

A book I really recommend checking out, if you already haven't is DR Claire Weeks - Hope and help for the nerves. It's an amazing book.

All the best, and always remember, a panic attack has never yet killed somebody, or sent them insane, it only ever seems that way.

J :)

08-23-2011, 07:55 PM
Hi Trevster, nice to meet you also.

I just started yesterday on this forum, but I do know how you must be feeling with the anxiety. I have recently started having them, and I think it is from coming off one of my medications. I was weened off, but started having the anxiety attacks the day after I quit taking the medication. Anyway, they most definately are not something I would wish on anyone, no matter who it is. When I am having a good day, I feel so normal, but when I have a day where it starts in, I get so emotional, and just can't figure out how to deal with it or make it go away. The feelings are so out of the norm, and it really is scary. I myself feel like I have to get out of the house. I can't stay in, because it just gets worse, and I am afraid to even go to my bathroom and bedroom. I also am afraid to eat, and that is strange. I try to either go for a drive, or go to a friends, who understands, and visit and talk it out. I also have some medication that my doctor gave me, to help me when I really need it. It's called Lorazepam, and I take the lowest dose possible. It has helped me get through my days of anxiety, but I am going to also see a therapist or someone, to help me learn to deal with them in other ways besides pills. It sure does help to be able to come to this forum and talk to others, or read about others who possibly share the same feelings.

08-23-2011, 08:43 PM
Thank you all I've been so scared to ask for help it's taken me 9 years to finally tell someone. I myself can hardly stay in my house anymore for a while I learned how to deal with it but that was when I was younger and life was so much easier. I'm an adult now though and it's difficult. My first relationship has been hell in a hand basket because just when I think anxiety doesn't find it's way somewhere I am reminded. In fact I have had the hardest time I know this girl may not be right for me yet I can't stop being so afraid, I just want to let go of her but then anxiety gives me the fear that I will never get over her and it's just terrible. My worst fear for a while was confronting my own family, as I am very close and I've been trying to hide my issues for so long. Anyways I'm just rambling at this point with no real angle just venting I appreciate all of your help it's been very relieving.

08-23-2011, 09:03 PM
Just stop hiding it. When i first started having attacks, i used to try to so hard to keep it unnoticed, and that seemed to fuel it. Bring it out in the open, it will help take away some of the intensity.

08-23-2011, 09:58 PM
That's what i've begun doing.. I'm quite open about it now, and I feel a lot better. It's just a lot of work. One thing I've been trying to figure out for so long is what caused anxiety for me. I have a identical twin brother, and him and I both had a dramatic first experience with severe anxiety one late night whilst we were falling asleep. Was the best time of my life, was having the most fun I had ever had... so it puzzles me what could have caused it. I figure I just became aware of it, and instead of controlling it I acted on it, and fixated kind of binding it to specific mental reactions of my own doing.. not sure if that makes sense to anyone else but that's what I've pieced together haha.

08-23-2011, 11:15 PM
Like my dad always says "It's all in your head, the more you focus on it, the worse off you'll be". It's tough training ones brain to ignore those kinds of thoughts, but it's possible. It just might take a few tries. :)

08-24-2011, 08:28 AM
I couldn't agree with you more. :) Well it's a start of a new day. So far so good, going to go to a doctor today get some blood drawn, and make sure all my bodies various chemicals are balanced.