View Full Version : I am wrong.

08-23-2011, 01:17 PM
Why is it no matter how hard I try to do anything it ends up being horrible?

Everything I do is picked apart by my parents, mostly by my mom. Then when I have mental problems it is my fault. "It's just my hormones. It's because I'm too hard on myself. It's not us, it's you."

Today it was something small. I put the dishes away like my mom asked, and I left a cupboard door open. She was angry that everything she does is for me and I can't do anything for her.

Things like this start the tightness in my chest and the sick feeling in my stomach. The fact I can't do something as simple as put plates and cups away right. I won't be able to relax for many hours after this now. Does anyone know how to calm down/relax? Why does my mom get frustrated with me?

08-23-2011, 01:43 PM
I've learnt that some people just have a different perception of reality. They can't always see things from the point of view of others. They also have a degree of ignorance, it isn't in their nature to check what they say, or to think about changing, or if they might be wrong. That isn't to say they can't change, but often their makeup, or life circumstances, or the way they were taught really influences the way they treat people. It may be very helpful really explaining to your mother in depth about how you feel, and how situations affect you, and how you're having a hard time. By being in detail it may help her see things in a new light. Be careful not to make it into a blame game though, maybe if you say something like; "if you can have more of an appreciation about my condition now I've explained it to you, and I'll make much more of an effort to help you with things, and I think we can have a much more positive life together." I guess you can only do that and see how it goes.

As for relaxation, there are some incredible methods out there. Yoga Nidra is a method that takes around 25 minutes, and it is the equivalent of putting your body to sleep, whilst keeping your mind awake. Also Deep Muscle Relaxation is really good, and can be done in 10 minutes. Google both on Youtube, and try to find a recording that suits you. You also may be able to get some free downloads of it if you do a Google search.

All the best,