View Full Version : what do you think this is?

11-14-2006, 03:48 AM
Over the past 11 months i have most definitely suffered from anxiety.

I've had all the symptoms you could imagine:
Headaches/head pain,
Feeling off balance,
Shallow breathing (always needing to take deep breaths)
Shaking legs (involuntary),
Weird vision,
Unable to sleep well,
Always feeling tired,
Feeling like i had something stuck in my throat,
Pins and Needles,
Chest tightness,
Numbness in arms and legs,
Feeling detached from surrounding i knew,
Feeling detached from people i was closest to,


I and doctors i have seen think this is due to the amount of stress i have been through this year and last year. I lost both of my grans, my dog died, i had symptoms where no-one knew what was wrong (now i know it was stress and anxiety) and i had tietze syndrome.

I have never had a break or rest from any symptoms of anxiety, but now i'm feeling even more different and strange. I am questioning everything (why we are here, why do we look like this, we look strange, why do we work, why do we have this, why do we have that), a whole range of questions are popping up in my head, sometimes they seem to come automatically. These questions make me even more anxious because i don't know why i'm thinkng them. A few people have said it could be due to both my grans passing away. I feel i'm 'going mad' most of the time!! I really feel uncomftable about going out and doing something, but once i'm there and my mind is FULLY on what i'm doing, i feel alright, and not questioning things. I struggle about going in to work too. I get so worked up and my mind races with bizarre thoughts (as i mentioned above) that i panic and have to run away.

So, do you think this is all stress and anxiety, or could it have moved on to something else? I think i am so convinced i actually have a mental illness, that this worries me even more. But i have seen doctors, a mental health worker, counsellers, but i can't convince myself that its anxiety.

Please help, tell me what you think! :(

11-14-2006, 08:26 AM
I think, and I am far from an expert, that it is anxiety. In my experience anything can trigger it and some of things you mentioned would stress anybody.

Unfortunately the deeper you get into the cycle of anxiety the less likely you are to be rational about it. When I am at my worst I have learnt to listen to the experts, at that point they are probably in a better position then you to make a judgement.

I also wouldn't worry about the 'mental illness' aspect of it. I am in my 40's and have met very few people who are 100% mentally sound. everyone has some issue or other - the ones who cope the best appears to be the ones to dwell on it least.

11-14-2006, 05:15 PM
Over the past 11 months i have most definitely suffered from anxiety.

I've had all the symptoms you could imagine:
Headaches/head pain,
Feeling off balance,
Shallow breathing (always needing to take deep breaths)
Shaking legs (involuntary),
Weird vision,
Unable to sleep well,
Always feeling tired,
Feeling like i had something stuck in my throat,
Pins and Needles,
Chest tightness,
Numbness in arms and legs,
Feeling detached from surrounding i knew,
Feeling detached from people i was closest to,


I and doctors i have seen think this is due to the amount of stress i have been through this year and last year. I lost both of my grans, my dog died, i had symptoms where no-one knew what was wrong (now i know it was stress and anxiety) and i had tietze syndrome.

I have never had a break or rest from any symptoms of anxiety, but now i'm feeling even more different and strange. I am questioning everything (why we are here, why do we look like this, we look strange, why do we work, why do we have this, why do we have that), a whole range of questions are popping up in my head, sometimes they seem to come automatically. These questions make me even more anxious because i don't know why i'm thinkng them. A few people have said it could be due to both my grans passing away. I feel i'm 'going mad' most of the time!! I really feel uncomftable about going out and doing something, but once i'm there and my mind is FULLY on what i'm doing, i feel alright, and not questioning things. I struggle about going in to work too. I get so worked up and my mind races with bizarre thoughts (as i mentioned above) that i panic and have to run away.

So, do you think this is all stress and anxiety, or could it have moved on to something else? I think i am so convinced i actually have a mental illness, that this worries me even more. But i have seen doctors, a mental health worker, counsellers, but i can't convince myself that its anxiety.

Please help, tell me what you think! :(

I get the EXACT same symptoms as you, and I have panic disorder. What you are experiencing is the physical symptoms and depersonalization and derealization. These are all parts of anxiety and panic. As for the questioning of our existance, I am the same way. I always wonder why the grass is green, what animals think, weird things like that, and it is a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder, because they are obessive thoughts that you cannot get out of your head.

Noone that has anxiety disorders really ever believe that that is their problem, we always think its something far more serious like cancer, or a brain tumor, or something like that...but it really is just anxiety. Look at it this way....anxiety is just a kitten hiding behind a lion's mask.

11-14-2006, 08:59 PM
at times in my life, I have felt the same way as you...totally.
I even had thoughts as to what if I killed myself...what if I went crazy and hurt someone at work. I always have to reassure myself that I am ok and I would never do that.

anxiety......it is a bizarre thing.

11-15-2006, 03:47 AM
i'm glad that there is someone else who has the same symptoms as me. It is a very odd thing, anxiety. I've been told the worst thing you can do is fight it, because that just makes it worse. you have to accept it. Isn;t difficult though!!!

11-15-2006, 04:47 PM
i know what you mean...i thought I had more than just anxiety..maybe some serious nervous malfunction because of my twiching and shaking since i saw this decease on tv that showed people with really serious shaking unlike mine...

but anyway, axeptance is a good start:)

11-15-2006, 05:42 PM

You are facing a lot of stress and have a lot on your mind that it seems like you're having anxiety. Let me show you some of the the symptoms caused by anxiety.

The most common symptoms of anxiety attacks are:

* Palpitations,
* a pounding heart, or an accelerated heart rate
* Sweating
* Trembling or shaking
* Shortness of breath
* A choking sensation
* Chest pain or discomfort
* Nausea or stomach cramps
* A feeling of being dizzy,
* unsteady,
* lightheaded, or faint
* Derealization (a feeling of unreality)
* or depersonalization (a feeling of being detached from oneself)
* Fear of losing control or going crazy
* Fear of dying Numbness or a tingling sensation
* Chills or hot flashes

These are some of the possible symptoms of an anxiety attack but what does it actually feel like to experience one?

Usually an anxiety attack begins with an unusual bodily sensation from the list above. The person then reacts with fear that the symptoms are indicators of a much more serious threat and in turn reacts with more fear which escalates into a state of heightened anxiety.

We all experience anxiety from time to time. In fact, it’s a normal part of our physiological makeup and is intended to keep us safe. In today’s world, many people find that their anxiety levels are out of proportion. Someone who suffers from chronic anxiety disorder will produce excessive amounts of adrenaline and other chemicals in response to what they perceive as threats.

Unfortunately, those perceived threats might include such everyday situations as social interaction or worry about money and finances. The chronic anxiety disorder impacts their day-to-day lives in a very negative way.

The most recognizable signs of chronic anxiety disorder include those uncomfortable feelings that nag at you. People with chronic anxiety disorder most likely feel nearly-constant apprehension, which can be directed at a particular situation or may be vaguer than that. They may constantly worry about the future or their performance at work, school or in the family.

Chronic anxiety disorder can appear suddenly or manifest gradually over time. Many individuals who suffer from chronic anxiety disorder find that the onset of symptoms can be connected to a traumatic event. They may even experience flashbacks of traumatic events throughout their lives. Physical signs of this trauma can include a racing heart, sweating, and dizziness.

It is common for those with chronic anxiety disorder to suffer from other stress-related illnesses and conditions. For example, insomnia often occurs in conjunction with anxiety disorders. Other stress-related conditions that may be present are irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, and fatigue. Many people learn they have chronic anxiety disorder because they seek treatment for some sort of physical ailment.

Because anxiety generally manifests itself in very uncomfortable ways, those suffering from chronic anxiety disorder may begin to avoid situations in which they fear the anxiety will return. This might include only using certain routes to drive to work or even becoming fearful of leaving the perceived safety of their own homes.

There are many proven to work "ALTERNITIVE" methods that can help you to cope or even cure you.

Some of them are breathig methods, there is a certain way of doing this every day 3 times.

Learning to Breathe:

Shallow breathing may lead to increased anxiety and even panic attacks; some people theorize that improper breathing is the entire cause of panic attacks.

Learn to calm your mind, any time you have some bad or negative thoughts , try to pay attention when you notice them and then tell in yourself to cancel this thought. What happens is ,your traning yourself to decompress your mind from all the unneccasery junk that might irritates you and cause anxiety, fear etc...

If you have silver filling what is "MERCURY" filling that too can cause nerv and anxiety problems. the older the silver fillings are the more they leak mercury vapor up to your brain into the central nervous center. And than comes the problem like the symptoms I listed above.Must have all of them removed.

Have you tryed to take daily a minimum of 1000mg vitamin C and 25 mg of Zink and a B-COMPLEX of vitamin B. If your body lacks these important vitamins which all makes your nerves and over all well being much better. When you have anxiety than your body flushes out much fasetr than normal these important vitamins, so you must keep them in balance. :)

I dedicated a site for people who have problems like yourself to become educated on this subject and also learn how to cope and even cure anxiety, panick attacks, phobias and so on.

I hope you get better and that I was some help for you. :)

11-16-2006, 05:27 PM
Over the past 11 months i have most definitely suffered from anxiety.

I've had all the symptoms you could imagine:
Headaches/head pain,
Feeling off balance,
Shallow breathing (always needing to take deep breaths)
Shaking legs (involuntary),
Weird vision,
Unable to sleep well,
Always feeling tired,
Feeling like i had something stuck in my throat,
Pins and Needles,
Chest tightness,
Numbness in arms and legs,
Feeling detached from surrounding i knew,
Feeling detached from people i was closest to,


I and doctors i have seen think this is due to the amount of stress i have been through this year and last year. I lost both of my grans, my dog died, i had symptoms where no-one knew what was wrong (now i know it was stress and anxiety) and i had tietze syndrome.

I have never had a break or rest from any symptoms of anxiety, but now i'm feeling even more different and strange. I am questioning everything (why we are here, why do we look like this, we look strange, why do we work, why do we have this, why do we have that), a whole range of questions are popping up in my head, sometimes they seem to come automatically. These questions make me even more anxious because i don't know why i'm thinkng them. A few people have said it could be due to both my grans passing away. I feel i'm 'going mad' most of the time!! I really feel uncomftable about going out and doing something, but once i'm there and my mind is FULLY on what i'm doing, i feel alright, and not questioning things. I struggle about going in to work too. I get so worked up and my mind races with bizarre thoughts (as i mentioned above) that i panic and have to run away.

So, do you think this is all stress and anxiety, or could it have moved on to something else? I think i am so convinced i actually have a mental illness, that this worries me even more. But i have seen doctors, a mental health worker, counsellers, but i can't convince myself that its anxiety.

Please help, tell me what you think! :(

Alrite mate i suffer from these symptoms to, a couple of years back, i was smoking weed, and my mate jokingly said your looking pale, that then triggered of (which i didnt know at the time, until after research) a massive panic attack, and because i didnt have a clue what the hell was going on and cause the weed was making me paranoid, really made me scared, i quit weed, drink, and litterally went like a hermit, i honestly thought i triggered some mentalness off, and some times i still do, its a viscious cycle, fear of fear etc, i brought a hypnosis cd of ebay, helps at chilling you out imo, when im feeling grotty, i just think it could be worse, i could be locked up in jail, or have a sever disabilty and that usually sorts me out, hope you feel sweet soon bro, i know what your going through.

p.s i live in redditch, not far from you at all!

11-17-2006, 01:35 AM

First let me start by saying welcome to the board and you have already begun your process of getting better. The first and most crucial thing you have to do is realize, understand and accept the fact that you have an anxiety disorder. But the good news about the disorder is exactly that, its anxiety, absolutely nothing physically wrong with you.

I have had this disorder since I was 15 and im now 25, the past 10 years of my life have been very confusing and challenging to say the least... I think I have one of the most severe disorders possible because I have had all your symptoms plus 100 more!

If you ever need to talk dont hesitate to pm me or you can drop me an email:
[email protected]

11-22-2006, 03:12 AM
i don't have any of the physical symptoms any more though, they went a few months ago. Although i still do get uncontrollable legs at times, and if i'm at work i get tight chested and need to run away.

I just feel weird most of the time, and feel i'm somewhere else or don't feel i know where i am. I'm ok if i'm doing something but i find it difficult to make myself do things at times.

I can't even describe how i feel because i can't explain it, i just dont feel my old self. I have random thoughts which make no sense. The most recent one i had was something to do with our skin, like why do we wash or shower and cover it up (wear clothes). I swear it's something else other than anxiety!!!! Does anyone know if not doing much in the day can cause anything, like a mental illness?? or does anxiety cause anything else?? I just can't seem to understand it, because i KNOW i've had anxiety because i had all the symptoms, but this feels like something else.