View Full Version : So here I lay,fighting yet another panic attack...

08-22-2011, 03:03 AM
(Heads up! Im norwegian so my english isnt that good;P)

Getting kinda used to it.. 4years of anxiety and panic attacks helps you know whats going on.. My "safest" sign is when I start to think about my breathing,and try to "control" it..then I know its right around the corner.
I remember my doctor said to me; Just let it come,dont be afraid." Well,havent I been afraid wouldnt I have this condision,would I?? But Im maybe one of the lucky ones,I have been taking medicin,but stop using them after 1,5year,and I actually do pretty find without them..
With pretty fine I meen Im no longer scared of going to the store or anywhere else there may be other people..i dont need to count the steps and minutes it takes for me to go from one point to another,I dont need to know where every gas-station or wc are if Im going on a roadtrip,just in case I need to hide from people when the dark thoughts and panic creeps over me.. I see when I write this I have come a long way..But still..

Anxiety will always be a part of me,I jsut need to take control over the anxiety,not let the anxiety control me.. Easier said then done..

So,any other "crazy" souls in here that can relate to anything I have written? :)

08-22-2011, 01:51 PM
I relate to everyhing you have just said. i have suffered 5 years of this hell. was on meds for 3 but havent been on them for 2 years now. i was the same, in public areas i would need to know 'escape' routes, on holidays or long journeys i would need to know all rest stops and be driven...never on buses or trains. Have you tried CBT??? what causes your anxiety/fears??

Take care

08-22-2011, 03:37 PM
CBT? What is that?
What triggers my fears..Good question,but still after all this time I dont know exactly... I have notice that I often go in to panic attacks if I have had to much on my mind,if I feel that I have dissapointed someone or if I have had to much time to think about my anxiety..
The confidence in myself has gone drasticly down this last years,so I use a lot of my time think about what other people think of me,or what they think of the things I do..This inhibit me very much also:/
What about you?

Take care you 2...

08-23-2011, 02:17 AM
I can relate. WE need a superhero. ANXIETY MAN! Destroyer of all anxiety! That would be awesome!

08-23-2011, 03:18 AM
Haha,yes you have so right Tirefyr!:) But probably that would be yourself and no one else...

08-23-2011, 05:27 AM
C.B.T is cognitive behavioural therapy, takes your issues and talk them into insignificance. Your the same as me, when stress in my life is at a high so is my anxiety. Do you work??

08-29-2011, 03:52 AM
Have been to a psychologist and talked about my issues,but didnt help me that much.. Started seeing a new one todag actually,maybe it will be better this time.
Yes I work,I actually got a new job now,starting up next week.. This is a job with alot of responsibility,so am pretty nervous for how it will go. What about you?