View Full Version : The anxiety cure page!

08-21-2011, 02:50 AM
Hey sorry if this has already been done before but I thought I would create a post where people can post all there anxiety symptoms, any cures or temporary measures which have helped them and collectively as a group try to get to the root of as many as possible! As a anxiety sufferer myself I am fairly uneducated in natural remedies and meditation techniques etc but as a forum we can all contribute to try to improve and conquer anxiety. Any posts would be welcome!

Many thanks.

08-21-2011, 09:29 AM
I always found breathing into a brown bag worked very well for any hyper ventilation I experienced, which is caused by over breathing and altered carbon dioxide levels. As I got more familiar with anxiety, I still noticed my breathing wasn't rhythmic, I would over breath, skip breaths. So in order to try and find a rhythm again, I downloaded a free metronome, and set my breaths to whenever I heard the clicks, to make sure I wasn't hyperventilating.

08-21-2011, 12:30 PM
Thank you for your post! I often over breath which doesn't help anxiety at all!

08-21-2011, 02:14 PM
Not really a cure, but I find being around nature helps. I find you don't have to run and make an excuse for yourself when theres a squirrel around :P

Affirmations helped too. I'd have a meditation session, where i'd sit outside, listening to nature. And as I snapped back, I'd run over some basic affirmations;

"Everyday I become calmer and calmer, and even more relaxed in every situation."
"Everyday is a good day. Today is a good day."
"Everyday I am becoming more knowledgeable in understanding life and my problems."
"I take small joys in every situation. Nothing can stop that."

And just more on the topic of relaxation, and calmness. It's known as Autogenic training, after a relaxation session, your brain waves are more open, and more susceptible for accepting commands and suggestions. The only tip is they have to be positive such as I am, and not I'm not... and they have to be in first person such as I am doing, or I discover. I'd also read my affirmations before I went to bed, and as I awoke. I read about Jim Carrey doing it in his battle against depression, so tried it out myself, it felt pretty good. I'll share them with anyone who wants them if they PM me.

08-22-2011, 08:37 AM
Please read my thread here - http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?8298-Miracle...Miracle...Miracle-of-Homeopathy...Pls-all-read-it!!!!

08-22-2011, 01:24 PM
My latest symptoms of anxiety are like a numbness in my hands and legs alternating between them mainly in my little fingers which I mainly get tingling in when I'm about to have an anxiety attack! But when I'm not worrying or thinking about it, it goes away. But again looking on the Internet didn't help when symptom searching which is possibly the worst thing to do! Personally speaking.

08-24-2011, 07:16 AM
How about meditation to cure anxiety? It is a different type of therapy through sound effects which rebalances the energies...


Kitkat (from Switzerland)

08-25-2011, 08:29 PM
Meditation is awesome, and midfulness therapy has wroked well for me too

08-30-2011, 08:53 AM
Today I felt better for the first time in months! I almost felt as if I was back to normal although I couldn't feel any symptoms I just wasn't happy, then realising I felt no symptoms it brought them on, my head just felt as if it was there which is weird and slightly depersonalised. But I take every day as it comes and try to have a positive outlook! Somedays its Just good to take a day off and to try and Reconnect with yourself I found That has helped! I'm seeing my doctor in a few days time to evaluate my anxiety if it is anxiety and take it from there! Hope you are all feeling better!

08-31-2011, 09:21 PM
I started doing CBT a few months ago. I am really enjoying and can tell a difference from when I first started going. I'm getting ready to start incorporating Lexapro into my treatment for a dual action plan. However, I do feel like the CBT is working...I think it just needs a little extra push. Good luck to you all! Here's to an anxiety free life! :)