View Full Version : pleasssse tell me im not alone !!

08-20-2011, 07:12 PM
i have been on zoloft for over two months and keep getting big bouts of anxiety and nausea. When these bouts happen i feel like i have permanent butterflies in my stomach :( i also keep getting hot flashes with the nausea my temp keeps saying 99.4... I am very nervous its hard for me to keep my food down because i am anxious. for a couple hours i will be fine then it flares up again. I am scared i am going to be constantly stuck like this and no medicine will work for me!

can somebody relate?

08-20-2011, 08:39 PM
Of course NB. My anxiety got so bad I thought I was like that for good. I stopped looking as I crossed roads, stayed in bed all day. I'll be honest, if I could have pulled the plug on my life, I would have. Lots happens though, one day, you read something, or hear something, and it slowly starts to click in your mind, you slowly begin to really understand things, and how they work, or you try a medication and it starts to work. Sometimes it can take months for the serotonin in your brain to build back up to it's normal levels again.

Is Zoloft your first med? Do you find it's improved you at all?

08-20-2011, 08:50 PM
oh thank you for replying! :) i just have been feeling really bad lately on and off :( this is not my first medication i tried paxil for a month but it made me fall asleep in school alot then i went on wellbutrin but i did not notice a difference now i am on zoloft 75 mg and sometimes i think i notice a difference i will feel really good and happy sometimes but then sometimes i feel so sick and anxious !!!

08-20-2011, 10:08 PM
hmm that seems pretty interesting. I notice it does usually happen later on during the day. I take the medicine when i wake up around 12 and around from around 7 onish i get it usually. I do not recall having it early during the day.. that is a great idea forwells. I hope i can find a good medicine for me because i am happy with the zoloft because i could still orgasm and i know alot of others you cant. On paxil i couldnt. that is a big factor with me when choosing meds

08-21-2011, 03:02 AM
Hi N.B.!

I starting taking anxiety medication for the first time at the beginning of August. My doctor prescribed Buspar because I work 3rd shift & specifically wanted something non-drowsy. I noticed an impact immediately, & trust me when I say that I was a hot mess when I started the meds. ;)

Granted, I've had minor issues. I've had some dizziness, but it only happened ahandful of times & only ever lasted for a few seconds. The only other "complaint" I have is that after the initial few weeks my life got chaotic again, & it feels like it's barely taking the edge of. But, I'm on a very low dose & am going to be discussing an increase with my doctor at my next appointment.

In any event, since you're having such strange side effects maybe this is something to think about. I haven't had any major issues with it. Hope this helps!