View Full Version : What's WRONG with me????

11-14-2006, 12:08 AM
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the forum and searching for some answers, hopefully you guys can help. My day starts with constant worry. Whether my son is gonna be ok or what they will think of him or me at school if I dress him in the wrong clothing. Then it's during the day...I sleep so that I don't have to worry. I get up worrying and then off to work. This is were the real worry starts. I constantly recheck my work. Did I do it right? What are the consequences if I do something wrong? I work at a Correctional Facility and of course we have weapons, ammo, keys and so on that have to be checked. I check and recheck over and over. I worry after I get off of work about the things that I might have missed. This has me staying up all night wondering. I am so tired of feeling this way. I went to the doctor and he says nothing is wrong with you. Just believe in yourself and stop thinking that way. Well it's not as easy as he thinks. He put me on medication that helped at little. 0.5 mg of Ativan. I still have the same problems even on the medication but not as bad. I constantly call back to work to see of everything was ok even though they checked everything b4 I left. My co-workers think that I am crazy. They think it's a joke. It's really taking over my life. Should I change medications or get a second opinion from another doctor. Please help!!! Thanks

11-14-2006, 05:10 PM
Sounds like you're more obsessive compulsive. The worrying aspect of anxiety/panic disorder is usually worrying about yourself, and thinking your going to die, and whatnot. I honestly just think you're letting things get to your head too much, and you should try and relax on your own without any medication.

Worrying about your son won't change anything, keep that in mind. Maybe if you're worried about what you dress him in let HIM pick out what he wants to wear, because his happiness and well-being is really obviously what matters to you.

Worrying about your work is just going to drive you insane, you should try and be more confident about your work. When you get something done tell yourself "its DONE, I have COMPLETED this" and you will know that it's really done.

11-14-2006, 09:03 PM
it does sound like more obsessive compulsive.......I think you should see a doctor. Also, has this just started or did you have this since you were a child? My daughter and I have OCD....touching things a certain amount of times, worrying or checking if I locked the door, the curling iron off. It is so hard to deal with. There is help out there but you need to seek the help of a professional.

Good Luck.

11-19-2006, 05:12 AM
I know exactly how you are feeling regarding your work situation. I also suffer from this work related anxiety - always worried that I will make a mistake, re-checking, going back to work in the middle of the night to make sure everything is OK. I'm terrified of being the cause of something awful happening, of causing stress to others, or "getting in trouble". I have a friend who says "tell me your 3 most successful worries" and of course there are none. There is never anything wrong when I go back to work. And yet my mind keeps saying to me (usually when I am just getting into bed, or when I wake up in the middle of the night "ah, but are you SURE you locked the door?" or "Maybe it was YESTERDAY you did such and such and not today" and then I just HAVE to go back and check. I started writing a list of everything that had to be done before I left work and ticking them off as I did them. Then I could just look at the list late at night and know it was OK. I guess I've cut my late night visits down to about 1 a month, instead of the 2-3 times a week!

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the forum and searching for some answers, hopefully you guys can help. My day starts with constant worry. Whether my son is gonna be ok or what they will think of him or me at school if I dress him in the wrong clothing. Then it's during the day...I sleep so that I don't have to worry. I get up worrying and then off to work. This is were the real worry starts. I constantly recheck my work. Did I do it right? What are the consequences if I do something wrong? I work at a Correctional Facility and of course we have weapons, ammo, keys and so on that have to be checked. I check and recheck over and over. I worry after I get off of work about the things that I might have missed. This has me staying up all night wondering. I am so tired of feeling this way. I went to the doctor and he says nothing is wrong with you. Just believe in yourself and stop thinking that way. Well it's not as easy as he thinks. He put me on medication that helped at little. 0.5 mg of Ativan. I still have the same problems even on the medication but not as bad. I constantly call back to work to see of everything was ok even though they checked everything b4 I left. My co-workers think that I am crazy. They think it's a joke. It's really taking over my life. Should I change medications or get a second opinion from another doctor. Please help!!! Thanks