View Full Version : I feel like a ticking time bomb! :(

08-18-2011, 10:42 PM
I've only had anxiety for three months but I already can't take it anymore. I feel like I drain the life out of everyone I'm with because I'm always miserable. I get weird aches and pains all over and I'm always tired. They're only mild but it gets my brain thinking could it be something serious. It started as a little seed and now I can't stop thinking about my health and me having a terminal disease. I look up symptoms all the time, I went to the doctor but he says I'm fine. I keep thinking the doctor was wrong but I don't have money to go see anyone else. I'm just so sad all the time because I feel like I'm wasting away. I've lost 7 pounds in a month!

08-19-2011, 05:59 AM
Don't give up marco92, have you asked your gp if you can see a psychologist or psychiatrist? That helped me a lot when i couldnt take the depression and anxiety any more...tell some-one, bc no amount of will-power can help you on your own. You need to confide in a professional who can steer you in thr right direction. Good Luck, MG

08-19-2011, 11:12 AM
I can't see a psychologist or any doctor really because I don't have insurance. That's what sucks because there's no way I can know for sure that I'm not physically sick. I always get random mild pains one week it's my throat another it's my chest another week my stomach hurts, that's where my mind starts wondering and I get worried. I also get morning anxiety which sucks too.

08-20-2011, 05:28 AM
Hi Marco92, I think its different in the USA bc you need to pay a lot to go to the doctor - is that the case? In Australia, it's a bit different as we have a sytstem (medicare) which partically funds doc visits, treatments, mediation, etc, and we have a new scheme for 'Mental Health Assessment" where we get 10 subsidised visits for a year...I only just found this out (my g.p. told me), so if you are a student or on a pension, inquire bc maybe in the USA they have some similar scheme?? worth looking into. If you could ascertain whether yr illness is mental or phsycial - that wld certainly ease some of your concerns. Best of Luck, marsgirl x

08-20-2011, 09:48 AM
Hi Marco,

Please read my thread here -http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?8298-Miracle...Miracle...Miracle-of-Homeopathy...Pls-all-read-it!!!!

Hope it helps you:)



08-19-2015, 03:38 AM
Hey, I'm helping to make a documentary about health anxiety if anyone is interested?