View Full Version : Help!

08-18-2011, 12:10 PM
Hi I've posted last time to do with my anxiety but lately I've been feeling very nauseous, weak, tired, pressure above my right eye and generally feeling extremely bad is this anxiety related or not? I feel the need to lie down most of the time but occassionallu feel fine please help! But again I don't feel anxious and a pressure in my right ear every now and then although I did have an infection but doctor says that cleared up about 1-2 weeks ago.

Many thanks.

08-19-2011, 10:24 AM
Hey, I can't tell you your fine because I have the same problem. When I started with this anxiety problem I started getting random aches and pains. Right now I got a pain over my left ear and left side of the chest. I'm also tired all the time but that's just cuz we're always worrying and stressing. Our minds are always working at 100% thats why we're tired. Try not to look at any symptom websites and try accepting the feeling of anxiety if you try to fight it it gets worse. Health anxiety sucks because I always think I have some sort of disease but most likely we're fine. Hope this helps.


08-19-2011, 12:19 PM
Yeah the more I think about it the worse it is, Im booking an appointment to see my doctor which will put my mind at ease! Im not sure if I should go on medication because I feel it has got to this point and would like to know if they actually help or I should try some more herbal/meditation techniques instead.

Thanks for commenting!

08-19-2011, 01:23 PM
I agree with Marco.

When my anxiety was at it's peak, some unbelievably odd things would happen to me on a daily basis. For instance the pressure in my head got so intense that my eyes would actually become sore, and bloodshot, they would feel like they would explode, it was terrifying. Also I got immense neck pains, so badly I couldn't move my head. I went onto the net, to try and find out what ailment I had, as I was sure something was wrong, and there was nothing there. After that, I decided I did need to take some important steps to lower my stress levels a little, and the symptoms actually got less severe pretty quickly after that.

Anxiety does such strange things to the body. Hopefully the doctor can give you a good checkup, which will help put the mind to ease, and then you can know what you're dealing with, and research into various strategies to lower your anxiety.