View Full Version : peace between mind and body

11-13-2006, 09:10 PM
that no matter what the problem, anxiety, depression, OCD, panic...these are all labels. It is very important to accept yourself and all the little things that make you, you. I used to hate this anxiety. The more I fight it...the worse it gets. If I accept my symptoms and really just sit there and meditate I realize that I am scared, but this is anxiety...nothing harmful and it won't kill me. I have suffered with panic for so long, and I swear if it was deadly, I would not be here anymore. Some days I would get 16 a day. Also, a constant state of anxiety...dizziness and shaking. I am determined not to let this run my life. I still go to the store and shake the whole way, but heck, I am there and doing it. I have not been in a restaurant yet...but that will come.
Basically I just want everyone to accept what is happening and it may ease your mind and body.
We all need peace between mind and body.

11-13-2006, 09:20 PM
thanx...i know at the beginning is hard to accept, and actually because one usually isn't sure.

wheni was 13-15 years old my anxiety was as constant as you are describing. but nowadays being 18 years old I can order, go to a restaurant, ask strangers or say good morning to my fellow painters at work without so much anxeity. but still i get a twich here and there once in a while along with shaking and nerviousness.

do not let it ruin your life! you know my councelur convinced me of that. I try to keep myself busy all thetime...the lmore free time you have, the more u'll think about the anxiety and your surroundings. I posted this previously, but i seriously suggest finding some sort of inspiration...like for me its MetallicA. their music is like therapy and they inspired me to play guitar.

nice to meet you! talk to you lateR!

11-14-2006, 08:56 PM
that is great, for you it is Metallica...for me it is limp biscuit....

rock on.

11-16-2006, 02:50 PM
for me its incubus!!!!

with a bass in my hands

11-16-2006, 04:44 PM
ahah rock on! I used to have their album Meteora...and sawtheir performance on Metallica icon with the song sanitarium!