View Full Version : general anxiety disorder is taking over my life, help/advice!!!

08-14-2011, 03:09 PM
i was diagnoed with gad back in hs, and now its came back after i cold turkeyed my meds after feelin great. now i cnt eat, i starve myself cause i fear tht there might be shrooms or poison, mostly shrooms in my food, since i had a horrid expeirience wit them in my hs years. its a mission to eat, once i eat, i get mad anxious and experience several panic attacks, usually i can take control over em but lately theyve been getin far worse n worse to da point where all i wanna do is stay home all day jus so i dnt hav to hav a damn panic attack, its horrid. i still get random attacks like hard of breathin and chest pain for no reason, but i can usually take those under my control, unless i ate sumin then i start givin in to my anxiety makin myself think tht it must b wat i ate tht made me feel all weird, then leads to a horrid panic atack. please help....

08-15-2011, 08:11 AM
Hey 010328,

Firstly relax and settle down in your mind, this can only be done by not fighting your sensations and symptoms, but accepting it with open arms...

Accept that you have anxiety disorder, Accept that nothing else but anxiety is doing all this to you, Accept that anxiety is giving you all the negative thoughts,
Accept that these negative thoughts can only lead you to panic attacks which will only exercise your heart muscles, which is in a way good, it want cause any physical harm to you in any way (medically proven fact) Accept that the less stressed you get the better you will feel soon, accept that you dont fear your thoughts and sensations and you are stronger then your negative thoughts.

The magic of acceptance is that your conscious mind will slowly but steadily relearn to get out of negative thinking which your sub conscious mind is giving out due to stress, less sleep & fears, Acceptance gives the negative thought to room for additional fear to sip in any of your thoughts, get more relaxed and in turn your thoughts will get relaxed....so no anxiety...get it!!

So from today...just keep on accepting every thoughts and sensations you get and slowly you will become less anxious, also get a good diet going along with this as food is a major factor for anxiety formation!!!
