View Full Version : anxiety over your children...anyone else?

08-14-2011, 01:59 AM
from what I understand about anxiety is that it can spin thoughts out of control and keep your head spinning and turning over every thought...
my thoughts can start off so innocent and turn not something tragic!
It's been a little while since anxious thoughts kept me from sleep but tonight sucks! I haven't had thoughts like these in a while! I've been managing quite well I have gotten things off my chest that had ruled my head forever it seems and had we doing very well sleeping good until recently!
I keep having thoughts that spiral out of control they start off sweet and great then bam tragedy, and what gets me the most is that they have been about my kids! anyone out there going through or has gone through this or something similar and if you are or have do you have any tips thoughts suggestions that may help!

08-14-2011, 08:23 AM
Hey pmjk.robinson,
I assume you would be willing to try anything to free yourself from what must be very draining for you?
Would you like to hear of a good although unorthodox way to control those thoughts?

08-15-2011, 10:55 AM
unorthodox how???

08-15-2011, 04:36 PM
This will sound odd but trust me it is effective. The first thing to do is to start to get some control over those thoughts. You think quite merrily and BAM and tragedy, then you find yourself thinking something not-so-fantastic about your kids. These are the worst sort of thoughts to be stuck with in the early morning hours. This needs your imagination, you need to join in with the tragedy, add some of your own creations to the list of terrible things that might happen. When you notice the BAM or at some point after the BAM, exaggerate your gloomy thoughts to the edge of ridiculousness.

I had a Woman recently who couldn't stop thinking of world war three and the end of the world. She would imagine every plane that went by was a missile sent to wipe-out humanity. So she at some point realised that she was doing her "missile thing" and would turn the missiles into giant lollipops and lick them out of the sky.

Don't wait to have the thoughts again before you try this, actively think those thoughts you don't want. This is so you can practise how to exaggerate them to ridiculousness when the time needed.