View Full Version : At wit's end. I don't know where to turn.

08-13-2011, 09:09 PM
I recently started working as a cashier at Walmart. I don't know why I ever took this job, as it's basically the opposite of my ideal job.

I was diagnosed with Irrtable Bowel Syndrome at an early age, Social Anxiety during high school, and just recently, ADD.

And to add onto all that, I am always hunched over on the computer, so I have terrible postural back pain.

Anyway, I dread going to work every day. When I get there, I am usually fine and I'm very friendly, but deep inside I feel very anxious and scared that either I'll have back pain or an IBS episode.

Anyway, today my back started bothering me which made me nervous, which in turn caused my IBS to kick on. I had to get managers to let me on restroom breaks 2 times in about 1 and a half hours, and I kept feeling worse.

I have been working here for about 2 months, but I can't do it anymore. I'm 19 years old and currently going to college (doing very well in school as well). I start on the 22nd which is approaching fast and is making me nervous as well.

I currently live with my parents, and they take good care of me. I am not confined to my house, and the pain and anxiety do not occur when I'm going places or shopping in crowds of my own will, but having to call managers to use the restroom and things scares the hell out of me, as I feel trapped.

I really need some advice on what I should do? I cannot continue to work as a cashier there. My anxiety, my back, and my stomach are all telling me, "no".

If I got my physician to give me paperwork on these conditions (as he is well aware of them), would I be able to switch positions within Wal-Mart easily?

Also, can anyone recommend stay-at-home jobs? I currently am considering switching my program of study from nursing (I have not started nursing classes yet) to medical transcription classes. That way, I could work from home in a safe, comfortable environment where I would not feel trapped or scared or in pain.

Anyone have any suggestions for me?