View Full Version : I can't take this anymore...

08-10-2011, 05:48 AM
For 4 nights now i haven't been able to get more than 4-5 hours of sleep and it really has me worried. I know the anxiety can keep me up, but i haven't really been worrying about anything lately (until now). Now this has got me so scared i don't know what to do because this has never happened to me before.

My doctor just put me on Celexa 2 days ago and i know that can keep you up, but this started 2 nights before i started taking them. Im just so fed up with this. You get over one problem, and another one just comes after that. It seems like every other week i'm trying to get over a new problem. And i really felt that i made a lot of progress getting over this anxiety. I was so happy the doctor told me i was healthy and i shouldn't worry about anything, but now this happens. I just hate constantly being up super early in the morning alone.

I just really need a bright side to this and some positive feedback right now more than anything. Thanks

08-11-2011, 01:16 AM
anxiety is complicated , even the slightest thought without u even noticing can trigger something off, do u eat alot of sugar or alot of caffeine, do u exercise keep active, work/school? i had these problems waking up every 30 mins ina fright didnt sleep for 5 days once i know it can be terrifying but just try and relax and dont eat before bed or drink hot milk :)