View Full Version : Random off days....???

08-09-2011, 10:55 PM
I seem to have random days every so often where my anxiety will drive me out of my mind and start sending me crazy. I do my best to hide it but it's very hard. Even the slightest thing will upset me or make me very angry.

The strangest part is that for a week after i'll be fine and then i'll just sufddenly get taken over again, usually by a memory or something ive seen or heard that's reminded me of something....

Any ideas??

08-10-2011, 11:19 AM
the same thing happens to me! but it happens for a couple days at a time! my anxiety will get really bad but i just tell myself this always happens and in a couple days it will pass! then i eventually feel better! :)

08-10-2011, 04:03 PM
oh, me too, its strange isnt it, i have a few good daysm then without any apparent trigger, i have a few rotten days with anxiety. Im like you butterflies, i have got used to it to some degree now, so i just look forward when i have a bad day cause i know some really good ones are coming up :-)

08-10-2011, 05:04 PM
It happens to me too, i get good days and then all of a sudden something will trigger it and it happens all over again