View Full Version : zoloft scaressss me!!!

08-09-2011, 08:45 PM
i have to up my dosage of zoloft from 50 to 75 mg but when i switched from 25 to 50 i was so anxious for a week and just felt sooo strange and felt like my skin was on fire. I also could not eat at all and anything i would try to eat i would throw up. I couldnt go anywhere because i was so weak from not eating. I also had suicidal thoughts and felt like i was going to be stuck like that forever !!!! it eventually passed thank goodness!!!! any advice? did anybody else ever have reactions like this with medications?

08-09-2011, 09:41 PM
I am afraid to take my Zoloft at all. The doctor prescribed me 50mg Zoloft and 0.5mg Ativan (3 times day). I never took the Zoloft. I've been on the Ativan almost a year and it helps. I am much better. I was having severe panic attacks, sometimes 3 or 4 a day. After reading the possible side effects of Zoloft, I was afraid to take it. I know that I should and that Ativan isn't what I should be on long term, but I can't get past my fears. I wish I could help you. I probably made it worse for you.

08-10-2011, 11:17 AM
that is actually funny because i was also prescribed ativan but am too scared to take it! i was also terrified to take the zoloft too but i finally took it and it made me feel like crap for a week! I think i got used to it but now upping the dosage i am scared i am going to get the same effects as last time:( but i feel like taking the zoloft might work because this whole month i have been feeling pretty good until a week ago when my anxiety creeped up badly!

08-10-2011, 05:29 PM
yea same as nervous butterflies. I felt like shit after about 2 weeks on zoloft, I was isolated and alone, I got out of it a little bit by just going out. It probably didnt help that I had just switched to night shifts either. I got through it though and so can you, Although I refuse to go above 50 mg, less weening when I want to get off of it
