View Full Version : when important times come around .... anxiety shows up

11-11-2006, 06:30 PM
I have so much stress just now and feel so low its unbelievable :cry: I have had anxiety since as long as i can remember and my first numb feeling ( i describe a panic attack as a numb feeling , its what i called it when i first experianced one ) was back in early 1990 ...

well this year I eventually got convinced the doctor to give me extra help , he got me an appointment too see a phsycologist who offered me a place in group therapy , that alone scared me to death , the thought of sitting talking to strangers about my life and life with anxiety ... I was to meet up in january this year but got so worked up and stressed that I just couldnt go ... i got up the morning of the first meeting , got a bath and ironed my clothes then when it was time to leave for the bus ..BOOM... panic attack , just like that i couldnt leave the house , pure fear all through my body , the 'usual' signs ... couldnt breath/no energy in my body/shaking/sweating ... one reason that brought this on was because I had to travel to a hospital , that was bad enough thinking about all the ill people and poeple dying there plus that haspital was where my Mum died just 2 years before that very month , jan 2004 .... I havnt seen my doctor since and have had no contact with anyone about anxiety since ... I have been contacted by the department of social security , te people who pay my benefits and they told me that I have too see one of thier doctors who will asses my illness , i have to travel 25 miles to edinburgh and wait till i get called , i no right now that i have no chance of doing that ... i am literally shaking here just thinking about it ... i have an appointment with my doctor on monday too see if he can write a letter to the dss and try too ask them to come out to see me , I havnt see my doctor since january so i dont know what he will say ????? i even asked him a while back about anxiety and he doesnt even specialise in it , not do any of the doctors at my local surgery , he gives me a repeat prescription that i hand in once a month for heartburn tablets and another pill called propranolol , i have read that these are beta blockers to slow that heart and help too combat heart attacks/agina ... are those pills good for anxiety ??? I feel so let down because I have asked the doctor for help so often and now i get this chance for real help and couldnt go :cry: :cry: :cry:

I started doing something that sounds really stupid but makes me feel safe ... i can take upto 2 propranolol each day but since january and that missed appointment i have only taken one and have saved the other ... i know have a lot in the cupboard in a clear bag ... i get thoughhts of taking them ... that would ease the pain , no more panic attacks , no more feeling low , no more sleepless nights ..... i have had no-one to talk too and i dont know what to do ... i have logged into the chatroom on this site a few times but havnt managed to bring myself to say anything.

i feel so lost ... there was more i was going to put down in this thread but im starting too feel bad ... I need to take a break

geo g

11-12-2006, 12:20 PM
I absolutely understand what you mean. I also, start to get anxiety when I have something I need to do or have to leave the house. I hate leaving the house when I am anxious.
So you have a close friend or relative that can go with you to the doctor. When you are feeling a panic attack, maybe they can talk you threw it?
I think you need to find a mental health specialist, someone who has worked with people with anxiety.

Hope this helps.

11-12-2006, 04:25 PM
I agree with wot Is has said.

I can totally relate to the panic attacks when it comes to leaving the house. As a kid i used to let the anxiety build up and use the "i dont have to leave for 1 hour, or 30 mins or 5 mins " trick to postpone the anxiety. This is a terrible strategy as when it comes to leaving you hit a wall of anxiety. It is better to acknowledge you are feeling uncomfortable about the situation and be aware that you are going to have anxiety. Its better to embrace it than pretend it doesnt exist. I went to see a doctor and had about 7 40 min sessions. I found it worked wonders for me, and it might do the same for you. Let us know what u decide to do. :D