View Full Version : Help! Im not sure if it really is anxiety!!

08-09-2011, 06:05 AM
Hi, I'm 18 years old and have been supposedly suffering from anxiety for around 6 months now. I lead a very active lifestyle going to the gym 5 times a week etc diet is fine but since my first "anxiety attack" these symptoms seemed to have changed. I used to get all the heart palpitations, headaches, shallow breathing etc but now I start to feel dizzy, nausea, like my head is constantly busy, insomnia and my left hand feels weird. I have to lie down to try to help these symptoms subside. I have never felt anxious about anything apart from I can't help but think these are symptoms of a serious illness such as a brain Tumor etc. I was wondering if anyone could offer insight into to what I should do? And are these normal symptoms for anxiety?

Many thanks!

08-09-2011, 10:48 AM
Hi there!

Welcome to Anxiety Forum!

I myself have experienced all of the symptoms you described.. and yes, they are ALL known symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, aside from your left hand feeling odd. I suppose that if you suffer from bouts of insomnia like I do, then you most likely also tend to toss and turn while in bed at night. This can and does often lead to pinched nerves / over-stretched muscles, etc.. which can in turn cause your extremities to feel tingly and "weird" as you described.

I was quite recently diagnosed with generalized anxiety (GAD) coupled with social anxiety (agoraphobia). My phychiatrist and I are still trying to find the proper treatment for me, but I'm happy that I at least have a name to my symptoms I'm experiencing. Don't worry. You're certainly not alone. I would personally recommend talking to either your family doctor, a psychologist, or a psychiatrist about what you've been experiencing. That would be the first step in moving toward an effective treatment.

I wish you all the best!

anxious annie
08-09-2011, 12:32 PM
I have had all those sympoms since January this year and have had countless blood tests ECgs examinations and an MRI and everything is fine ! I get weird numbness down my left arms and it feels tingly but doctor says all signs of panic Attacks ! I get light headed a lot of the time for no reason and this sets me off to panic it's like a vicious cycle ! I wouldn't worry that yours is anything as it sounds similar to mine !
Hope this helps

08-09-2011, 01:54 PM
Thank you for taking the time to reply, It's helped me come to terms with anxiety a lot. I'm going to book an appointment with my local GP concerning these points and take it from there. I always though of the possibility of G.A.D because I do tend to worry about my health with would be a main contributor, well I'll have some answer soon enough hopefully!

Again many thanks! And wish you all the best.