View Full Version : Is this an axiety disorder?

08-08-2011, 09:42 AM
Hello all, I could use the opinions of anyone who suffers for a general anxiety disorder. For the last year, I have felt so jittery, my mind races to the point where I can't concentrate, especially in public or a crowded place or places where I can't leave, like a social environment. Once my mind races, I immedialty think I'm going to pass out, felling lightheaded and it's very hard to calm down. I saw a therapist, who said nothing is wrong with me. I saw my physican who ran multiple tests, in which all came back normal. I'm out of options. Is this anxiety? I was feeling better and now it back, I can't get it out of my mind, which makes it worse.

08-09-2011, 10:09 PM
It sounds like a panic attack to me. I've suffered from those for many years, off and on. I've had the same feeling of my mind racing and being afraid I was going to pass out. Is it worse when you are out in public, around big crowds? You might want to carry a small paper bag with you. You can breathe in and out of the bag to prevent hyperventilation, which will make you feel lightheaded. I would go back to the doctor and ask him if he thinks it could be anxiety and ask for his help. I hope you get better. I know how horrible it feels.