View Full Version : hands blue

08-07-2011, 07:27 AM
after drinking alcohol my hands started to turn a bit blue and it lasted for some time the next day aswell. anybody else expierenced this or know if anxiety related? thanks

08-11-2011, 09:47 AM
anybody any idea?

08-16-2011, 01:32 PM
if your hands are blue, there's more than likely a circulation issue going on. Are they tingly? Swollen? Sore? Something that should probably be checked out in my opinion. Good Luck.

08-16-2011, 07:13 PM
Definitely sounds like a circulation problem to me. Can you put on hand-moisturiser and then gloves on to make them warm and smooth?? I haven't experienced it from drinking but when i am in the cold, so I do what I just suggested and it helps!

08-22-2011, 04:30 AM
went to docs and he said nothing to worry about, no pains or anything just like a bit cold and he said due partly to anxiety and partly to alcohol . think it would be better to not drink however when you do you feel calm but the next day problems are just alot worse, why do you get palpatations the day after you have had a drink? anybody get this? thanks

08-22-2011, 01:17 PM
If I drink too much alcohol the day after I have really bad anxiety, so I try to cut alcohol out completely or just stay within a certain amount.
