View Full Version : Cant sleep when its dark..

08-05-2011, 12:49 PM
Recently I haven't had an attack in a long time now, I was beginning to have one a few days ago when I thought I got a stomach infection but I managed to deal with it and turned out ot be nothing..

However, theres one thing that still phases me, the dark, i'm not afraid of the dark, its the sense of hopelessness I feel when its dark, i.e. I cant go and do a sport if I feel anxious, I cant wake anyone up (atleast I feel) and I cant sleep due to this, my eyes just flicker all night, I feel a constant lump in my throat and shortness of breath, so for the past month, i've gotten into sleeping till 5/6 in the morning so it goes light, i'm reliazing this is unhealthy and cant go on forever, when i'm out at night I feel fine, but its when im at home it gets me, i've searched this and there isn't one other person with this similar feeling so I cant find any solace, and I feel im the only one, does anyone else experience this?

08-06-2011, 03:39 PM
I can pretty much guarantee you are not alone with this, it's probably that other sufferers are afraid to admit it, so at least you have! I've just recently found out I suffer from general anxiety disorder and thinking about it I've probably had it most of my life but never knew what it really was. I hope you can sort you're problem out it can't be nice at all. Best of luck.:)