View Full Version : Helloo...

08-05-2011, 05:56 AM
Hello, I'm still a teenager, which is conveniently the worst time to have anxiety trouble... I mainly get nausea at random or after something has happened or when I worry. But I get lot's of other symptoms which worry me all the more such as Abdominal pain, Loss of appetite... At the moment I'm suffering from a more annoying problem of Abdominal Discomfort for around 4 days, the kind that means when you stand up, you want to sit down to ease it away again!
It just really is a great pain!
I've joined this forum to try and give support and hopefully get some when needed...

08-05-2011, 01:39 PM
I know exactly what you mean with the gastrointestinal symptoms. I get nauseous and sometimes get diarrhea (sorry for TMI) when I have panic episodes. I was even X-rayed for stomach tumors when I was younger because I complained of nausea so much. What helps me is to concentrate on relaxing my stomach muscles and breathing from my stomach and not my chest. Sounds simplistic but I've been able to keep the nausea and pains down to a reasonable level this way.