View Full Version : Please help, i really don't know what to do :[

08-04-2011, 09:04 PM
I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and mild depression a few months ago and I am currently seeing a therapist. However, I've developed severe death anxiety..
Every day thoughts run through my mind about my death, not existing anymore and just wondering what happens to us after death (personally, I am scared there is nothing). I get very scared, feel sick and have panic attacks every day.

Last night it was so bad I stayed up all night worrying about it, didn't get any sleep at all. I was very tired throughout the whole day, however is now 4am in the morning and AGAIN I am up worrying :( I can't let this fear take over my life, but I can't stop thinking about it. I become restless and fear what it would be like to die, and that would just be the end. It gets worse when I lie in bed and try to sleep :( Sometimes i fear I won't wake up. However I also worry about dying when I am old.

I'm a healthy (usually happy) 16 year old girl, starting college soon :) however if i'm worrying about it so much now ... how bad is it going to be as I get older and closer to the end of my life?

I just need to know ... will i grow out of this phobia? Have any of you felt like this & what did you do to distract yourself/remove the thoughts from your mind?
