View Full Version : worried about lungs..

08-04-2011, 06:00 PM
I am a 25 year old male. Have smoked cigarettes for about 10 years (half a pack a day) In the past couple months panic attacks have come back into my life in an extreme way. They were happening everyday (intense chest pain, left arm numbness, back pain, no breath etc). I went to the Dr. and described all my symptoms he did not seemed concerned. He listened to my lungs...said they were clear and checked my heart (EKG).

So the panic attacks have been subsiding lately. However one symptom that co insided with my panic attacks that just wont go away is this pain in my right next to my LEFT shoulder blade (everything always happens on my left side by the way) The pain is always in the same place and is about the size of a quarter. I have been cutting way back on smoking cause every time I smoke that spot just feels like it was lit on fire. But it also is more intense when worrying. Sometimes when I breath in I feel the pain more intensely, sometimes not. But there is like this spot in my back that I am constantly conscious of it/in pain

Now the interesting thing is I went to a chiropractor recently and he was absolutely convinced my pain in my back was nerve related and adjustments would make them go away. But of course I assumed it could still be lung cancer or something awful.

i also have frequent sharp pains in my left chest...my dr. doesnt seemed worried aobout this either

Any thoughts? has anyone experienced anything similar? Has anyone particularly had chest/back pain immediately after smoking? I am confused about this.