View Full Version : Abdominal Discomfort

08-04-2011, 08:42 AM
Hi, I'm new here, I'm going to post here before the 'introduce yourself' forum because I really want help asap. I'm still a teenager and I suffer from anxiety, that's what my doctor thinks and on Tuesday (morning) I was shocked by something (don't really want to say what) but it was frightening anyway. After that, I got nausea (as usual, I get a lot of it). it subsides but was left with Abdominal discomfort which hasn't gone away yet, it may be very slowly going away or i might be getting used to it. I don't know, but it sounds a bit like 'Post-Traumatic Stress'. I would greatly appreciate it if somebody had some advice, I don't think I need to see my doctor (again!) unless it goes on for a bit longer, I'm just trying to forget it when i can.
I feel a lot better when I sit down, I'm eating fairly normally but I never eat well and I'm not eating as much as I did but it's not a great worry. everything else seems to be alright and I thought it had gone this morning but it came back before mid-day. If somebody could give a bit of advice or share something that might help me, I would be grateful, i'm really fed up.
Just to clarify, it's not pain, it's just greatly irritating and distressing, (all i need!). I'm going away soon so would like some advice before I bother the doctor, I don't really have the symptoms of food poisoning, no temperature etc.
By the way, I'm seeing CAMHS later this month but I can't wait that long!! My doctor sent me straight to the psychologist but i still haven't seen them so am having to put up with all this at the moment.
Thanks (and sorry for the incredibly long thread)

08-06-2011, 11:20 AM
Hey dp3360,

You sound like you are indeed having a bout of mild anxiety and your symptom stomach irritation and discomfort is indeed anxiety related, provided your doc has run tests on your stomach issue and found nothing wrong with it and told you that you are simply stressed and anxious, Stress and anxiety does give out crazy sensations but they are just fake sensations and basically your stressed mind is playing games with you, its nothing to be scared of but it is annoying i know it.

The only way to get them away is divert your mind and get into something interesting which will positively occupy your mind and also you will have to get your stress levels down by relaxation and meditation, also your diet plays a key role in controlling anxiety sensations, you have to eat less spicy food or foods that are too gassy and you have to eat on time and not starve yourself or delay eating, over eating or under eating...refrain from coffee, tea or cigarettes as it will aggravate your condition, basically getting back to a healthy life style is the key......Again dont worry they are just anxiety symptoms and not real physical issues...dont buy what your stressed mind is trying to sell you...Relax and stay positive:):)


08-06-2011, 11:50 AM
Thanks jar4u,
Currently I'm trying to ignore it and relax just like you suggested. The doctor has previously run all the tests you could possibly imagine and just came up with probably a bit of GERD or Indigestion and Anxiety. I'll try doing something to occupy myself and see how it goes...
Thanks for the encouragement

08-08-2011, 08:48 AM
Hey dp3360,

GERD does happen when you are high on anxious feelings and will settle as you control your food intake also dont take too much heavy medicines for GERD as its only temporary symptoms try to have basic antacids and it will surely settle soon and also dont take any kind of medicines for anxiety as only simple mind diversions can cure your asap...Meds are only for people who are too much into the worrying bit..you sound positive and confident so keep it up...You will be out of this in no time:):):)


08-09-2011, 01:32 AM
Thanks jar4u,
On the topic of medicines, do you think it's a good idea to take paracetamol for a day or two? I have a feeling it could help but I would like a second opinion...

08-10-2011, 01:45 AM
Paracetamol are taken basically for fever and its symptoms like body pain and fatigue, also they are pain killers taken for joint pains and other swellings, so if you have any of them you can take them...the best person to guide you is your doctor regarding intake of medicines.....always try natural and herbal cures for most of the ailments as they work the best and that too witout any side effects!!!