View Full Version : Anxiety? Hypochrondria? Or something else??

08-03-2011, 03:26 PM
I have been recently diagnosed with anxiety. I've dealt with it on and off for years, but in the past year its been really bad. After counseling, I'm seeing that its really a mix of stress from work, and stress of having a child with life-threatening food allergy & Autism.

I have been waking up with a headache every day. Sometimes its just irritating, bothersome, and other days - like today - it was a full blown migraine. I spent most of the morning attempting to get things done, and then I gave in and laid down. My husband called my mother-in-law and she came for the kids. He also had me call off work for this evening.

But, this was more than a headache. I was dizzy, shaky, have an intense thirst that doesn't seem to be getting better. I kept feeling like I was going to fall over when I walked. My vision seems odd, I can see fine, but it feels like its not... smooth? Like my eyes aren't focusing together? I dont' have any double vision, but it feels close to that. Whenever I would move my head a certain way, the pain would get worse. My neck hurts. And I was super nauseaus. The worst part, though, is that the left side of my face feels 'droopy'. Like, the muscles are loose, and hanging? I can't think of any other way to describe it. Not so much numb, just droopy.

Now, I forgot to take my Effexor last night. It is very rare that I forget to take it, but I did last night. I took it first thing this morning when I remembered I'd forgotten it. I took it with food. I felt like this before I took it. The only other thing I've taken is some aspirin for the headache, and I took some Miralax yesterday (b/c the medication has given me some constipation issues).

I feel like a hypochriadriac b/c I immediately start thinking I have a brain tumor. Or I'm having a stroke. My Dad was MY age when he had his first stroke. And his first heart attack. I'm not diabetic, I've been checked every year (Dad was a juvenile diabetic). My Mom & Grandmother (her mom), both have had benign brain tumors. My Mom had a stroke after having hers removed 6 years ago. My Grandmother still has hers, as its in a position that it cannot be removed. And she is slowly going blind because of it (but it is not, supposedly, life threatening). My Mom's tumor was growing for more than 10 years (she would have been my age) before they found it, and it started with migraines. And they both had the same type of tumor, even though its 'supposedly' not genetic.

I've been doing REALLY well with work. I had a fabulous review, and I've been actually happy there lately. I feel comfortable with my position finally, and that I have a good grasp on it. My son isn't starting school for a few weeks, and he's really getting a good handle on his food allergy. His school nurse has really taken the bull by the horns to get prepared for helping him and teaching his class about food allergies, and IL just passed a new law about epi-pens in the school (for the better). I haven't had an anxiety attack in over a month.

Is this part of my anxiety? Did I really mess up my meds?? Anyone have any advice? I'd call my pcp, but they moved. I haven't found a new doctor yet. And I always feel like they think I'm nuts anyway... that I'm a hypochrondriac, lol.

08-03-2011, 03:51 PM

But, this was more than a headache. I was dizzy, shaky, have an intense thirst that doesn't seem to be getting better. I kept feeling like I was going to fall over when I walked. My vision seems odd, I can see fine, but it feels like its not... smooth? Like my eyes aren't focusing together? I dont' have any double vision, but it feels close to that. Whenever I would move my head a certain way, the pain would get worse. My neck hurts. And I was super nauseaus. The worst part, though, is that the left side of my face feels 'droopy'. Like, the muscles are loose, and hanging? I can't think of any other way to describe it. Not so much numb, just droopy.

Hey Eva, I know how you feel with these headaches, I have had them for almost 18 months now, and i definitely think they are related to my anxiety as they both started about the same time. I will actually be sick while having the migraines and the funny vision, and also walking strangley. I did have a CT scan and MRI or my head about 14 months ago, and all was good, so since then i have been able to just accept them, and just rest when it happens and stay in bed, there really isnt much else we can do. I have found that massage helps a fair bit, as when i am anxious all my neck myscles etc get very tight and strained and go into spasm causing the migraines, so i dont know if it is an option for you to try something like that.

I get the shaky thing also, but normally when i am a bit anxious about the symptoms of the migraine as they are sometimes a but scary, but since i learnt to just stay in bed and rest and ignore it as best i can, i dont get the shaking so often anymore.

And congratualations on your job and doing so well.

Good Luck xx