View Full Version : Hi from new and scared

08-02-2011, 08:44 PM
I'm a 18 year old female who is currently suffering from anxiety. My anxiety always seems to be health related. Currently my fear is that I have a brain tumor or will have a brain aneurysm because of constant changing pressure and sharp pains in my head.
I think about it all day. The things I worry about drive me insane.
I had my first panic attack in Jan or Feb of this year and it has progressively gotten worse I believe.
The first panic attack had seemingly no cause. From then I would have almost like head tremors and sometimes I will just loose my grip on reality? That sounds intense but I just mean like I don't feel present. I don't feel presently in the moment and it feels like i'm going to pass out.
I'm going to college in the fall and i'm so scared that i'll just go nuts or something. I absolutely hate it and I feel like no one understands, which is why I joined here.

So any comforting words or sharing similar feelings or experiences would make me feel much better haha
- Sophie

08-02-2011, 09:33 PM
My sister has that exact same fear. She is a strong person and perseveres through it but since she was diagnosed with cancer she has been a real hypochondriac. I believe anxiety falls into 2 fear thoughts and that is fear for your physical health (my sister) or fear for your mental health (Me). I cant bring myself to see that Im just in my head and Im not really going insane but its difficult. Gluck


08-14-2011, 01:40 AM
Hi Sophie! I'm Kay!
I'm also in college and I also have health related anxiety, although my fears are a bit different than yours (I'm scared of being poisoned, I'm new too so you can read my post for more info). I definitely know exactly how you feel about your fears driving you insane. I've felt that way myself :P.
I had my first panic attack around the same time you did this year, oddly! Mine was either February or March. I'm also extremely worried about college, especially about my roommates having to deal with it. If you're a freshman, which it sounds like you are, I wish you luck on your first year! Do you know if there's a counseling center on your campus? if there is, that may help you with adjusting as well as dealing with your anxiety while you are there :).
I also completely understand about no one understanding, that's why I joined here too.
Welcome! :D