View Full Version : Emotions and Feelings (Relationships)

11-09-2006, 06:57 PM
Ive had anxiety over a year now. But ive never felt this way and im just wondering if you think its got to do with anxiety. Ive been with my girlfriend over 7 months now and i loved her to bits. i woke up one day and my feelings just felt different for her. I know with anxiety sometimes your emotions come and go. But since then thats all ive been worrying about shes come my anxiety now. And i dont love her anymore. Its not like i dont want to love her. She meant so much to me. I dont know why this has happened. when i speak to her i try to act normal but it just dont seem right talking to her. Like it used to. And doesnt feel right when im with her. deep down when i think about it seems right but it just dont i cant explain Lol. Its just a weird feeling ive got. Its been going on over a week now. it dont go away. And i dont know if its going to. Sometimes all my feelings come back and im happy then 10 minutes later or something they could all go again. I only have to think about my anxiety about her and it all starts again. i dont want to finish with her thats the last thing i want. But i dont want to hurt her. Shes the only girl ive ever wanted. It makes me angry that i cant get my feelings back for her. Then it feels like im going to cry. I dont know if any of you understand this. But thought i would post to see what everyone thinks.


11-11-2006, 12:33 AM
Well you cant make yourself love anyone, either you do or you dont. Frankly 7 months is soon to love someone, but hey it happens, perhaps you need a break for a little bit to find yourself and collect your thoughts? I'm not a councler or a doctor, im just a girl w/ anxiety trying to help you out, I wish there was a magic wand out there someone could wave to make everything better but we cant.

I get taht way w/ my other half sometimes too, like out of no where somthing small will really set me off and ill get so pissed. But after I start to cool off, I think of how much he means to me, what id feel like if he was w/ another woman, and what i would do w/o him in my life and then I come ot my sences.

Anxiety is really a big monster, but if you really care for her, think things over befor makng any big decisions.

Hope I could help a little. :?

01-10-2007, 02:27 PM
hi i know its a bit long after your original post but thought i'd reply incase.....
i've experienced something like this that i'm sure is to do with my anxiety and the medication i'm on (cipralex) i feel a bit like its de-sensitized me a bit when it comes to relationships.
i love my boyfriend to absolute bits but can find myself talkin to/bein attracted to other guys that i would normally never dream of doing, and not caring! its up and down and sometimes i become really anxious of losing him because of it, but it doesnt make me stop......
i feel a bit like my medication is numbing/detatchin me in some way.......

01-11-2007, 03:55 AM
I dont think seven months is too short a time to say you love someone I loved my wife within a week and weve been together 7 years, its important to remember that relationships take work and that the fireworks at the beginning of a relationship dont last forever.
