View Full Version : Just wanna talk, maybe some advice aswel

08-01-2011, 10:37 AM
hey all

iv been suffering with anxiety for 8 months now, in the begining it was really bad, today it is nowhere near as bad, as time has gone on i have got better and better.
but for the last 3 months i cant say i have progressed much
i have a coupke of good weeks followed by some bad and so on
the good weeks will be soo good and i will think of my anxiety now and then but the thought would just leave straight away until i feel a emotional sensation of anxiety, and thats when my bad week/s start

i guess you could say i still fear anxiety, but i really do not know how to stop
i know what i have to do, i have to let it in, but i really struggle with this

iv tried therapists, they helped me get to where i am but they havnt stopped my anxiety completly

iv tried the linden method, but its not for me cus it just tells you to distract yourself all the time and to just disempower it, but i find this just builds my anxiety up until it comes out

iv tried the TEA method/ CBT but they dnt seem to help with whats wrong with me

iv tried a change of diet but i cant say its helped that much with my anxiety

im literally out of ideas, i feel im like one step from gettin fully better but i just can find it :/


08-01-2011, 01:49 PM
It sounds like what you are missing is patience and time. The thing is, there really is no 'trick' you can do to just make your anxiety go away. As you have found, it gradually gets better and better with time. So what you need to do is allow it the time it needs to go away on its own. Also, you say that you have not really gotten much better in the last three months. And you have had good weeks and bad weeks. None of this is out of the ordinary. Recovery from anxiety disorder is seldom a neat, clean process that proceeds in an orderly fashion. Experiencing 'ups and downs' as well as periods of time where recovery seems to be stalled is normal. But this can then be followed by a great improvement. You just need to learn to accept the bad times and periods where you don't seem to be improving as inevitable parts of recovery from anxiety disorder. You will get over all this eventually. You just need to allow your mind and body to do this on its own schedule.

08-01-2011, 02:59 PM
thank you robbed, just you repling helped
time it is then
do you know anything about just letting it in?

08-02-2011, 05:43 AM
yeah i understand now that its all just about time, and i will have my ups and downs
i just need to learn to handle the down better i guess

can i ask something though
if its all about time, how come some people have it for like 10 years?

08-03-2011, 03:55 PM
cheers kev, understand
iv had this before and it went, so im sure it will go this time

just a few more things:
i feel my anxiety is increasing because my family and girlfriend are going away on holiday soon, what can i do about this?
also im struggling with dehydration atm because of this hot weather, i hate the taste of water so i find myself always drinking fizzy drinks. i can tell this isnt helping my anxiety as its lowering my mood, what can i do?
finally my girlfriend bought me some st. Johns wort tablets today but im scepticle of taking them, you had any experiance with these?
