View Full Version : Anyone else experienced severe mind blanks?

07-31-2011, 06:51 AM
Hey y'all.

About a year ago I stopped using drugs (ketamine and mephedrone) and my mind began racing uncontrollably, I felt like I was going nuts. I was quite young at the time and began thinking that many of my thoughts were not my own, that whatever I think might not be true because there's always a counterargument so how do we know what's true and real if everything's just an opinion or a probability... It all got a bit too much as I began obsessing over this and over a period of three days my mind just went completely blank - no thoughts, no concepts, no pictures, nothing. I don't know how I talk to people in all honesty, it just feels like I'm reciting a bunch of templates.

When I described this to my stepmum, she compared my state to one of constant panic. She was at work one time and had to deal with an overwhelmingly difficult situation so much so that she tensed up completely and could no longer think.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar? I've been in this state of non-thought for over a year now...

07-31-2011, 10:59 AM
I have experienced something the same thing called derealization and depersonalization where I didn't know what was real or fake and I would go through a prompt in my mind over and over to prove I was real or that I was not. For example, I think therefore I must be real but how do I know what I am thinking are my thoughts. Someone else is thinking these thoughts which means I am not really real. Derealization and depersonalization go hand in hand sometimes. This might be what you are experiencing but I can't be sure.

The stress from stopping the drugs might have cause you to feel this way.

It sounds to me like you are more derealizing than depersonalizing.

Good news is if you are having a bout of derealization I can tell you that it gets better. I had it since last August and this August I feel a lot better hopefully by next August I will have gotten back to almost normal. Mine came on when I tried weed for the 4th time.

If you see a therapist about it make sure the therapist specializes in the two disorders or the therapist will just look at you funny and misdiagnose you.

07-31-2011, 11:05 AM
I suggest doing some research on derealization. Make sure to eat right, exercise and get vitamins so your body has enough b vitamin to help repair your brain. This might help with the condition. Meditation helped me with it