View Full Version : does your partner understand anxiety?

11-09-2006, 05:44 PM
I have suffered extreme anxiety and depression. My poor significant other. Just seems like I am always complaining but how can someone help when they don't know what I am going threw. I know that to someone who has no anxiety, it is very difficult to understand what it is like. Sometimes when I say I cannot go into a store, my poor partner looks at me like I am crazy...like WHAT??????? I wish for one day, my partner could be in my body and see my daily physical and psycological struggles. Hard to go on a date with panic and anxiety...not a good conversation starter to say the least.
Anyone dealing with the same thing?

11-11-2006, 12:16 AM
you bet. infact if it makes you feel any better, i have had a few relationships end from it. I dont know how bad yours get, but sometimes I cant even leave the house. I dont drive my car alone anymore, and depending on how i'm feeling I dont go into supermarkets or small stores, I always pass up things I know id have such a fun time doing b/c im afriad im going to make a fool of myself, or have attack and ruin everyones time, recently my sister asked me to go to hawaii w/ her, now id looooove to go, but im sure not ever getting ona plane, is she kidding me? if im having an attack and im a million miles in the air what the hell am i gonna do? no way, i dont like places that have no exit, im all set, i told her, thanks for the offer but ill have to pass, and besides, being that far from home? ha shes out of her noodle!!! :shock:

anyways to answer you yes, i have felt this still do, im with someone right now who, well.. wait, we're not together really, i dont know what youd call it, but none the less, his mom had panic attacks and anixety and she overcame them, so he has the same hopes for me, although he has not seen me in a full blown anxiety attack, i really feel he would understand and comfort me, but in the past it was a differnt story.

good luck and god bless
ill be here to talk and my aol name is lovinlime06

11-11-2006, 05:30 PM
thank you so much for replying. I swear, I have lost so many friendships and close relationships due to this anxiety. I also, hesitate to go to the store or vacation. I am having bad anxiety today. I felt pretty good this week (well not good, but a slight improvement) and last night and today, I feel like crap. My hands are shaking and I cannot think straight. I have laid in bed today wondering what in the heck is bothering me.....I clearly think it is something chemical and not emotional...but then again, I am not sure.
Relationships can be sooooo wonderful. But anxiety makes me a true handicapp...mental cancer.

Thank you again.