View Full Version : cant take it anymore

07-30-2011, 01:40 PM
I cant take this much anymore iv have not been this bad for years i cant get it of my mind that i have something searisly wrong with me its on my mind 24/7 even when i sleep. iv been having digestion issues for 6-7 months now, but no blood are weight loss just mushy stool which my gi says thats a forum of dierha. so ya but most the time its small like pen sized but some times rarly i can get a norm bm out. i gi doctor dose not seem worried at all my last vist i had to ask him if he thinks i have ibs and he said yes i do and did not want to reschedule a appointment. but im still worrying this worry has taken over my life i cant do things i rally enjoy because of the constant worry witch dosent help my digestive system. i don't know what to do im falling apart well i kind am all the way apart now. when i get this bad i start to think that every is annoyed with me witch dosent help matters i have a lot of negative thoughts in my head i dont want to live like this any more every one is telling me when i get my anxiety taken care of then my digestive system well normalize i dont know i need help and i need it bad my last try to get help is next week when my mom gos to her therpist im going to try to apply for free mental health were she gos but the only prob is i have insurance but it dose not cover mental help and to apply for the insurance there were my mom gos is if you dont have insurance but mabey since my insurance dose not cover it i can get it i hope i can and if i cant i dont know what i well do

07-31-2011, 09:12 AM
Hey Ken,

Sorry you're suffering but it does seem like it is just anxiety, judging by the way you're worrying about it! Anxiety can mess with your digestive system quite badly.. when I was suffering with extreme anxiety my stomach always gurgled and sometimes I'd get diarrhea.. abdominal pains etc etc. The worry is making it worse just like all anxiety symptoms - Anxiety causes the symptom -> the symptoms cause anxiety -> which leads to more anxiety symptoms. I had the same scary thoughts alot of the time which consisted of going mad, not being real etc. Each time I thought this thought I'd get bad head pressure - anxiety! Your thought processes can become messed up but it's all down to anxiety, the more credit you give these thoughts and symptoms (sensations is better) the longer they will stay. But no matter how long you've been experiencing this it can get better very quickly by paying them no attention and always knowing you're 100% safe and all the thoughts and symptoms are 100% appropriate for the level anxiety you are in. They may seem very inappropriate but they are appropriate for the anxiety level you have reset yourself to, that make sense? Reduce the anxiety and the impact these thoughts and sensations have on you will slowly reduce aswell. The key is to know in your heart and mind that everything you experience in anxiety is completely appropriate and will never hurt you, despite your digestive system being messed up it is more than likely all anxiety related, though very unpleasant it will get better once the anxiety is addressed.

So carry on and behave like you would if you wasn't anxious - you need to stop worrying about your digestive system because it is caused by anxiety and the worrying is just making it happen. You do not need therapy or anything, that will only keep on reminding your mind that you have anxiety and confuse things. Ignore it all, no matter how unpleasant your thoughts are - use your conscious mind to dismiss these sub conscious thoughts, once you've fully realised that you're safe your emotions can help you destroy these mental and physical symptoms as they will no longer be important anymore.

Best wishes, you'll be better!

08-01-2011, 02:17 AM
Im trying to just relize that its anxiety and to not think about it but its just so hard i gusse what it is im so stressed were i live becuse i live with my 91 year old grand ma and shes slowly dieing from congested heart failure and i just got married 3 monthes ago my job is strees full and know that i think about it my bowl syptome did not start untill i started working at my current job mabey im just very ovelry streesed and its flaring up my gad and the syptomes are fuling it