View Full Version : Is this all part of Anxiety?

11-09-2006, 03:28 AM
I get all these aches pains - chest pains, headaches, nausea, feeling weak, dizziness, numb arms and legs, pins and needles in hands and feet

I suffer from these almost all day every day :cry: Is it normal or have I got something wrong with me?

11-09-2006, 10:07 AM
I'm sorry to say IT IS normal... :tongue:

All those feelings and sensation are completly tied in with anxiety. I have felt them all myself for years.

In case you didnt know...
Modern science believes the you have anxiety when your amygdala (a nerve in your brain) Gets stuck in the fight or flight syndrome.
When are body needs a rush of adrenaline and super awareness to avoid danger and help are bodys either fight or run the amygdala will suddenly switch on putting us in the ultra-hyper state. So they believe that person experiencing a constant anxiety has a amygdala stuck in the flight or fight stage.

....So what i'm getting at is your stuck in an overly excited body, Always aware and alert. Hyper-sensitive to your bodily feelings and the outside world around you.
So yes we all feel weird sensations and feelings in are body, but I suspect most of them are normal for every human being, its just most people arent sensitive enough to feel it (lucky them)... And in addition to that, all this new stress your body is going through because of anxiety is creating new harmless body sensation for you to feel and worry about through-out the day, hahaha. The vicious cycle of anxiety. Hopefully this sheds alittle light on the subject!

11-09-2006, 04:33 PM
the previous reply was very interesting and something I have never heard of. Hum....makes sense.

aches and pains are defenitly a part of anxiety, for sure. I deal with them on a daily basis as well. Deep breathing and constant reassurance to myself that I am OK helps.

Good Luck.

11-09-2006, 05:42 PM
Thanks for the relies :)

Does anyone also get a sore throat?? I get a sore throat that keeps coming and going everyday??? I feel like there somthing stuck in it :?

11-09-2006, 05:49 PM
when suffering from anxiety you can get all kind of aches and pains. On my worst days, I will have a headache, then an ear ache, then I am dizzy. I think people with anxiety are very very sensitive to their bodies. My suggestion is to try to stop the worry. Let your body symptoms come and go as they please. If you sit and worry about them, they get worse, more frequent. Just sit back and relax.......know that the body has aches and pains. One thing I do is just close my eyes and tell myself that I am ok. I have to repeat this a lot to myself during the day.

Please know that you are not alone...by any means.

11-11-2006, 12:39 AM
yep sounds like anxiety you are not alone

11-11-2006, 04:56 AM
:( I get a lump in my throat constantly & feel like I need to cough something up all the time it's so scary. I use loads of vapor rub and menthol crystals it makes me feel better short term but it always comes back the next day and even worse it keeps me awake at night as I think I'm gonna die from choking.It must be anxiety related as at least the two of us suffer from it so we should find some comfort in that. I think :roll:

11-11-2006, 06:34 AM
I just get worried as im smoking a lot lately!!!

It seems to come just after ive eaten???? Or it might just be me

11-11-2006, 01:37 PM
I smoke myself but I have felt worse since my anxiety has gotten bad again, I find though if my mind is occupied I seem to forget about it for a while so I really do think it is totally down to stress. When I eat sometimes it makes me feel worse but dont forget when you are tense all your muscles tense up so this could be why we feel like this :cry: I feel for you because I know how scary this is but I hope knowing someone else is feeling the same at least makes you feel a little better. :)

11-11-2006, 01:53 PM
Thank you very very much everyone for your replies! It's made me feel a lot better!!

11-12-2006, 04:28 PM
hey Haley, i know im a bit late...but i get all those symptoms as well...totally normal for anxiety sufferers. If u do some fitness work and learn some breathing exercises the symptoms will be dramatically reduced (talking from experience)

11-30-2006, 01:16 PM
Wow, reading this has made me feel a lot better, i have very similar physical symptoms everyday too. I also have problems with my eye sight which is very frustrating. It's great to know this is a part of anxiety, and i think possibly the worst part of it!!

12-03-2006, 07:10 AM
Anxiety is a very slippery eel, ive suffered some of the worst imaginable anxiety/ depression from PTSD right up untill the point of nearly ending it all..BUT!! and it is a big BUT!!..i was saved!! after being dragged to my GP by my mother who could see my distress, he prescribed LUSTRAL (sirtraline) which fairly quickly disolved 95% of my symtoms and gave me my life back!!

Had a good 10 years anxiety free then it showed its ugly head again by way of de realization and numbness which is quite nasty causing more anxiety and panic, but instead of meds i did some research and found 'THE LINDEN METHOD" which gave me help and answered alot of my questions.

Having looked into most 'therapies' for this, ( ie self-hypnosis, meditation etc) they all revert back to RELAXATION. priced & packaged in different ways of course with CD's & Tapes but there all fundamentaly the same.

Just gotta practice.. ;)