View Full Version : Anybody else have these symptoms

07-28-2011, 11:10 AM
Heya, i was wondering if anyone else gets this?
I focus on something i think is wrong with me until i am either distracted by either doing something aka been out and my mind being of it OR i have a pain somewhere or feeling ill in some other way when i then will worry about that! but flip-flop back to the thing i have worried about previously!

Basically ever since i had the symptom of tingly numbness randomly down the one side of my face i always worry about that! it mainly occurs above my right eye and then down my cheek and i have had it 2-3 times over the past 5-6months(ISH).
Because i am focusing on this i am noticing and thinking i have things wrong with my eye! .. i have been the optician and he says i have mild dry eye but i cant help thinking about it from the moment i wake up till the moment i FINALLY drift off to sleep, i always think i have something seriously wrong with me eye and it gets me down!.
If i have a headache im always thinking its because i have a tumour etc .. i also have a sore scalp now and then and again i think its major.
i have been having muscle aches especially in my legs if im walking up hills etc they are tight, i have been told its because i dont drink water and always drink tea or fizzy drinks, but i assume its serious!!.
if im not worrying about myself i am worrying that one of my dogs are ill! i always watch how they walk as i lost my previous dog to spinal damage, i will always watch there breathing because i keep thinking they could get lung worm or a blockage etc.

i am always worrying about something either about me or my pets or family etc .. if i have a symptom i HAVE to look it up online, i always have to have my phone charged so my net is on it ready for me to look something up! :( .. if i see adverts for cancer or i hear someone maybe going blind etc i always think what if thats a sign, telling me i have it etc .. if i plan something for the future i always think i hope im still here for it etc its taking over my life! :(

07-28-2011, 03:25 PM
Im sorry to hear about this keely, i now how awful it is, as i have been through that myself also. I used to have the numbness in my face very often, and the sore legs, headaches/migraines all the time. The one thing i would reccomend is that you need to STOP googling symptoms asap, i know its hard to do, but the more you do this, the more you are tricking yourself into beleiving there is something wrong with you and making the symptoms and the stress and anxiety that goes with that, much much worse.

All my symptoms were caused by anxiety, and after not beleiving this for a while, i finally had to accept it, and i have to admit, it was the best thing that has happened to me. As soon as i knew it was just from anxiety, i was able to ignore the symptoms and they slowly went away completely. Try not to 'feed' this into getting worse by looking things up and focusing on any symptoms, this really wont go away until you manage to stop doing this.

Again, I know how hard it is and hope this helps a bit from someone who has been in the same place xx

07-29-2011, 11:50 AM
Thankyou for the reply :) ... i really do try to stop googling symptoms but its like i do it and not even think about it :/ ... i'l see/feel/hear something and think "I MUST GOOGLE THIS!" and wont relax untill i do :S.

The only peace i get is when i am out finally enjoying myself and ignoring all symptoms .. then when im back doing nothing i think about them again.