View Full Version : Medication?

07-26-2011, 02:56 PM
Okay so i have been trying to find a medication for a year now. None of them seem to work well except for paxil which was amazing but i had really bad side effects. I was really shaky all the time i wasnt eating and i was tired non stop plus the sexual stuff. ive tried cymbalta, paxil, prozac, lexapro, and some other more that i cant remember. I also cant use addictive meds because of my family history. Anyone have any recommendations. Oh and i take it for general anxiety and social.

12-09-2011, 04:54 PM
How long did you give the paxil for it's side effects to fade? Usually at the starting dose and even a bit above, most of the side effects fade away for the most part. All people are different though. If paxil worked(for your anxiety) did you try to pull back on the dose just a little(tweak the dose)? Sometimes taking half in the AM, half at dinner helps reduce sides. As does a temp. dose decrease to where sides aren't bad, giving the body more time to get used to the med., then tapering up again.