View Full Version : Hi, I'm Charlotte Hughes and I suffer from panic attacks.

07-26-2011, 01:13 PM
Hi, i'm 21 years old and have just completed a degree in Psychology (ironic right?). I've joined this forum as I think I can see some benefits from talking with people who have suffered with anxiety. Also I hope that telling my story may even help others. :)

Well.. I have suffered with 'nervousness' for as long as I can remember, but it has only been the last 2 years where this nervousness has resulted in panic. The first time I had a panic attack I was just sat watching TV with my mum, the next thing I knew I couldn't breathe and thought my heart was about to explode out of my chest - I thought I was dying. It seemed the more I tried to stop it the stronger the feelings came on until after about half an hour I felt as if I had returned to my body (if that makes sense?). I knew then that I had just had a panic attack - although as this attack appeared to have come on from nowhere I now fear the attacks themselves.
In my final year exams for my degree I was sat in a 3 hour exam, I had just began to answer one of the questions and although I wasn't struggling with the exam itself, the panic hit me. Before I knew it I was outside the exam hall surrounded by people feeling mortified.

There have been many situations when I have suffered the attacks, but now I spend my days carrying around anxiety from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed - worrying about having another attack. I feel as if I am losing the qualities I used to really like about myself and now it is only anxiety that remains. It has even got to the stage where I can no longer get in my car, in fear that I will have a panic attack behind the wheel - yet I am too embarrassed to tell my friends this and so continually cancel plans with lame excuses.

I would really like my life back but don't know where to begin. I just want to see a way out of living in fear. I have recently turned 21 and want to feel like a 21 year old, not like a little girl who is constantly afraid.

If anyone could reply to my post that would be a start. I am interested to learn of other peoples experiences with anxiety and how they ultimately overcame them (or not!) Thank you very much for reading.

07-27-2011, 03:47 AM
Hello Charlotte,

There are lots of people from all walks of life on this forum, so no prize for having a psychology degree. The only pat on the back you'll get from me is that you know what anxiety is like and will use it in your career. That will make you a good psychologist in my view.

My suggestion is to look at anonymous13's thread on how he overcame his anxiety (He's on the Depression Forum). If you can be of a similar mind, there's no reason why you can't cope with any anxious episodes you're having.

For any answer to coping with your symptoms, I'd have to refer you to forewells. Have a look at his replies to dealing with symptoms. He seems to be able to rationalise any feeling of anxiety people have.

I started a thread some time ago, asking if people had succeeded in spite of their anxiety. Have a look under my posts. The replies make for interesting reading and say there's no reason you can't succeed if you have the right mind set towards anxiety.

Best wishes


07-28-2011, 09:35 AM
Hi there ^_^

I know eactly what you felt, it was the same with me my first big attack came out of nowhere and i got the same out of body feel too. Now i dont feel right in my own body anymore.

Maybe in this forum we'll both find some type of reasurence and help to get our lives back from anxiety.

Have a nice day :)