View Full Version : I just need to get through this one project!

07-25-2011, 10:50 PM
I'm trying to start this illustration project for a client, have been trying to for like two weeks now, but every time I think about it, I start to choke. I have problems with big projects like this, but this one is especially bad because it's not just the general anxiety I have coming into play, but it's compounded by the fact that it's a social agreement, too, and I have social anxiety. A couple of minutes ago, I made progress! I copied the description of what he wanted me to do into a Word document so I wouldn't have to go keep checking my email (using email causes me severe anxiety), and I managed to draw a rectangle...that alone was enough to bring me to the brink of a panic attack, I was hyperventilating, and now I'm exhausted and just want to sleep. I always have anxiety issues about projects, and there's no way I'm going to make it through college if I react like this to every project.

I'm on 100 mg per day of Luvox, does anyone else have experience with Luvox? And I take a 2-mile walk every day, but I need more techniques to lessen my anxiety. Anybody have suggestions? After I get through this project, I'll feel much better, but I need to get through it first.

07-26-2011, 01:53 PM
Dear dredsina,

Sorry to hear about your problems.

Your post sounds serious, so well done for getting as far as you are.

It seems that there your massive attacks can't only be solved by a few coping mechanisms of your own, but if I were in your place, I'd be concentrating on trying to control the panicky feelings. You say you're hyperventilating and that's all you need to try to control at the moments. When we hyperventilate, we flush the carbon dioxide from our lungs and blood. This makes us feel lots of other anxiety symptoms, such as rapid heart rate, tingling in our fingers and toes, body heat, muscle spasm, the list is endless.

Our brains send out hormones to make us feel anxious, and there are other hormones from a different part of the brain that want to balance that out. They're there to help us. Remember the body always wants to help us stop feeling anxious. It just takes time.

If you're a coffee drinker, cut it down and out. Anything with caffeine isn't good for you.

As I said, well done for getting as far as you have. Let us know how everything goes.

Best wishes
