View Full Version : Anxiety really bad

07-25-2011, 07:07 AM
My anxiety is really bad!!! I stopped taking my meds again, and again it came back. It's scary this time though because I can't get the girls face from the excorsist out of my head. It just pops up all the time and makes my anxiety symptoms worse. I was on Paxil the last time this happened and once the medicine kicked in all my symptoms went away I felt like myself again and didn't get the images and didn't even think of the movie. Now I am on Prozac so I hope that helps like the Paxil did. I just hate waiting for the meds to work!!


07-25-2011, 07:38 AM
I hope that the Prozac works for you. I've read that it can take up to 2-3 weeks for relief of symptoms. I know it sounds a bit silly, but perhaps try to watch a different movie to hopefully "replace" your repeating mental image? I dunno. btw, your issues coming back immediately like that is indicative of withdrawal from the paxil. Is there a reason why you switched medications?

07-25-2011, 11:15 AM
When I first stopped the paxil and my anxiety came back I told the doctor that the paxil was making me kind of sleepy so she recommended Prozac. The first time I went off I didn't have the scary images it was something else, I really don't remember what brought it on. The Prozac worked but then I stopped it again and now the images came back, but I just saw my new doctor today and he put me back on Paxil cuz I said that the last time I used that it took all the images away and I felt normal again. So I hope that helps. Since I also have been taking prozac for a little over a week he said it shouldn't take any longer for it to work, which is good. I hope in a few more days I will feel better!!