View Full Version : Back on Meds

07-25-2011, 07:00 AM
So i was stupid and thought that i could get off of meds with no problem. I tried it 3 times and everytime my anxiety would come back. So now I am on Prozac 20mg I just started taking it a week and 4 days ago. Not really any results yet. My anxiety is really bad. I feel cold going all through my body, my heart beats real fast, I just don't feel like myself, but it lasts like all day. I'm really scared because I can't get the face of the girl from the excorsist out of my head it just pops into my mind all the time and makes my anxiety worse. The last time this happened the medication worked and made me feel normal again and i didn't even think of the movie, but then i was on Paxil so I hope the Prozac works the same. I know there is something wrong with my brain and the medicine helps it. I don't mind being on it the rest of my life, I just wish i never got off of it. I hate waiting for the medicine to kick in.
