View Full Version : heart rate when nervous

07-25-2011, 12:25 AM
my heart beats really really fast when i am only slightly nervous and it is really getting to me. does anybody else suffer from this and does anybody have any tips on trying to reduce / prevent this from happening . thanks

07-25-2011, 06:01 AM
Dear Plumb,

My heart beats faster when I'm anxious.

I'm breathing a lot more quickly too. I know that will have the effect of taking the carbon dioxide out of my body, so I'll get other effects too. Like feeling dizzy, tingling and blurred vision.

So if I can control my breathing, hopefully the rest will follow. I hope it works for you too.

Best wishes


07-27-2011, 10:03 AM
hi, thanks for replying. what do you find is the best way to do this like do you have any routine or exercise in particular that you feel works? thanks just looking for any help possible

07-29-2011, 11:39 AM
Yes, I also experience pounding / palpitating heart when I'm feeling high levels of stress or anxiety... along with shortness of breath, light-headedness.. I'm one of the "busy-minded" anxiety sufferers.. can't turn off the mind. I've tried the meditation / relaxation techniques. Unfortunately for me, they do little to nothing in calming me down, as my mind cannot focus on just one thing exclusively even when I'm feeling relatively calm -- even worse when I'm experiencing elevated anxiety. Usually, I have to just sit down and "ride it out". (not fun in the slightest)

Hang in there, plumb. I know it's tough.

08-02-2011, 04:02 PM
i know exactly what this feels like because i suffer from the same thing and so do many people, so youre not alone ;) the thing with me is that wen my heart beats fast, i know it wont stop until i stop being anxious about it, but i wont stop being anxious about it until my heart rate slows down! what i do is to take my mind off it by perhaps watching tv, or cooking, or playing an instrument. just something to take your mind off it.

hope this helps :D

08-03-2011, 10:40 AM
thanks for the replies people , much appreciated. what i feel is though that when i am situations eg at the football watching my team or going into a busy place or when i went for echocardigram (which incedently came back all fine) is that my heart rate isnt up a little due to nervousness/ excitement but it is up a lot and like really pounding i really dont understand why it is so much? like i dont know if this is just normal and i am just over-consicous? ( i dont think it is). i would really love to remember if i felt this before and its just since i started having 'panic attacks' ( about 4 years now and not had one for about 6 months) and general anxiety symptons - chest pain , arm pain, headaches , dizziness, twitches/ tremors , that i am just a lot more aware of it? thing is i can go days even weeks not feeling any anxiety symptoms that i have mentioned but the whole heart rate thing happens frequently, i try to do a fair bit of exercise and feel as if i am proving nothing actually wrong with me but its just like so hard to overcome, maybe its all in my head, went to a hypnotherapist and after 2 sessions she said i was fine and didnt need to go back and i felt as if nothing had been achieved! also alcohol has an effect on my heart rate , goes up slightly when drinking and i only know this because i am always checking my pulse! but also the next day after i have had a drink or i wake up through the night to go the toilet my heart would maybe be racing sometimes. anyway iv just kind of rambled on loads here any input would be appreciated even though iv not really asked any questions just kind of stated , thanks

08-04-2011, 07:18 AM
Plumb, I thought I was the only one on earth whose heart rate increased significantly in so many situations, many of which would not appear to be stressful to someone who has never experienced general anxiety. This has been going on with me for quite a few years and nothing I do seems to alleviate it. I do the breathing, relaxation, self-talk things, I've read books, practiced everything I can think of. The only thing that makes it go away is to just go with it, and realize that when you remove yourself from the situation everything calms down and goes back to normal. If I get too worried about it, it just gets worse. So I just try to expect it and then accept it; it takes the fear out and then you don't add fuel to the fear, you know? I especially notice it when I'm in front of a lot of people, or when my children are playing sports or up for an award or recognition of any type. I figure I'm just ultra sensitive, too competitive or highly responsive!! :) You are definitely not alone!