View Full Version : working and anxiety

07-24-2011, 09:52 PM
so i know its been forever since i posted here because i have learned to grin and bear my anxiety but its flaring up again. i am horribly unbalanced and i am working now for the first time in 3 years minus a few months i worked last year but quit due to anxiety. so tomorrow is my 3rd day and anxiety is getting way worse. I am tired more now and dont have time for anything fun. i dont understand this unbalanced thing. sometimes i blame anxiety but i wonder if it has anything to do with sinus and ears. My ears constantly pop when i chew and sometimes they will clear up for a second....but then right back to the normal hearing. So my question is...is it serotonin levels, anxiety or ear and sinus infections?? hope all my old friends are doing well

07-24-2011, 10:16 PM
I have a similar kind of problem. It is like the stress causes an allergy condition. Glands swell, sinuses and ear canals and eyelids get irritated and swell. Get sweats, chills and nausea. I get pain in the stomach like vertigo when you look off a tall building. I don't know if the vertigo is the origin of these health conditions and if a medication like Inderal would counteract them. I would really like to know. I've had to quit good paying jobs to live poor, which is its own kind of stress and depression, because of feeling like I had the flu all the time.

07-25-2011, 11:57 AM
I am also having working anxiety. I recently got hired at a medical facility and everyday since I have been on the floor I have actually considered quitting because I'm worried about hurting someone or not doing something right. Has any therapist of medicine combination alleviated anyone from these symptoms.