View Full Version : rapid heart rate when initimate with someone

charlie brown
07-24-2011, 10:47 AM
ok you're probably thinking weird straight away. but for me its ruining my life and making me extremly unhappy.

my problem is that when ever I get close to someone I always get a rapid thuding heart beat that I can see, and ontop of that i get palpatations. I know its anxiety because I only get it when Im with someone I like in an intimate situation. I cannot shake it, it only goes when i remove myself from the situation. But I dont want to leave the situation I am in. My confidence is so low because of this. Im scared to be with anyone because it ruines everything. I have been rejected so many times because of it. I just cannot relax my heart rate. I dont know what to do. I'm a very healthy person, I dont smoke, I dont have any caffiene in my diet and eat very healthly too, I am also very physically fit also, because I workout everyday. i do not want to go on anti depressants just for this problem. It's so hard to say to the person im with why my heart rate is so hard and fast. I have only today been rejected by a woman i really liked and got to know over a few weeks only for this anxierty disorder to ruin things for me at the crucial moment. I feel like crying!