View Full Version : New Here

07-22-2011, 10:28 AM
Im new hear, so please bear with me! I have led a pretty normal life up until about six months ago. I became very agitated and eventually had a large panic attack. This led to the anxiety and fear. I have never had anything like this before and in short is has become completely debilitating. The first week after my first attack I started on Lexapro, but I have never done well with medication of any kind and it wasn't long before I chose to do this without medication.
Anyway, my biggest problem is the idea of going crazy. The symtoms of depersonalization and paranoia have really put me in a place that makes me question my sanity. Its the scariest thing ever. I know that I am not crazy, but the constant fear of snapping or hearing voices is almost a self-fullfilling prophesy.
Does anyone else feel like they are having a psychotic break. I know this is not the case, but that is what my overall anxiety is. I see a therapist once a week, but daily it is such a struggle. I am so exhausted and frustrated. I look at other people and burst into tears wondering why thier brain works and mine doesn't. Im tired of crying and being scared. Please tell me someone out there knows what this is like! And please tell me someone out there has over come this. The thought that this will never go away, that I will spend my life in this scary chaos, is killing me.

07-22-2011, 10:42 AM
ohh I do very much soo, and to make mine worse, my aunt was schizophrenic, therefore, I believe that I will be schizo. I had a MAJOR panic attack in which I BELIEVED I was having a psychotic break, my parents had to hold my hand and tell me that Ill be ok. I started taking some SSRI and started feeling better but the depersonalization continues. I hope the best for you, but know this, your not crazy, I have to reassure myself DAILY of this. Just keep in mind, if you were crazy, you wouldn't know it, that seems to help me. Knowing that Im aware that somethings off tells you that you aren't crazy. Keep on keeping on and just post again if you dont feel well. Here to help
