View Full Version : anyone with depression + anxiety

07-22-2011, 07:29 AM
hey, this is DC, i was just wondering if anyone has felt the same way. has anyone become very self concious where they question everything they do, everything they think and yp to a point where they feel they dont feel like yourself, and just scared that u might suddenly go insane any second?
i am constantly emotionless, when i laugh i dont feel truly happy. and i felt distanced from my family and friends..
anyone and any comments will be appreciated

07-22-2011, 07:59 AM
yea, I am going through the same thing. I have this endless cycle of having these anxiety ridden times with happier times that I can focus and be motivated, Its just times like this it makes it hard to find the light. I feel like Im going to go insane almost every day, If I feel giddy, I question why Im giddy, If Im happy at all I feel like the ssris Im taking are making me go manic or something so I get sad.

Its a weird thing, but u will get past it. Just keep on keeping on.


07-22-2011, 03:07 PM
I think that most people who experience anxiety disorder experience some level of depression.

07-27-2011, 04:56 PM
hey i added you on msn come online and we can talk i have the same thing as you

07-28-2011, 01:57 AM
hey i added you on msn come online and we can talk i have the same thing as you

OH!!! so it was YOU!!! , now i know... i accidently declined it~i thought it was someone else, can u give me your emial address so i can add u?