View Full Version : New boyfriend takes prozac

07-21-2011, 06:53 PM
I really like this guy. He told me he takes 10 mg prozac daily since his mom passed away a year ago, he started having panic attacks- so it is prescribed for panic disorder.
He told me he did not notice it affected his personality at all.
We've been dating almost 2 months- no sexual intimacy yet because I'm not ready BUT I am afraid of what I read from the side effect of prozac that he won't have sexual desire or the ability to have sex when the time comes.
I am worrying a lot about this and feeling sick to my stomach. I don't feel it's appropriate to ask about this side effect, so shoud I just wait it out?

Is 10 mg really enough to hinder his sex drive and ability? :(

07-21-2011, 11:16 PM
If you are worried sick about him taking only 10mg a day or Prozac, then you probably need some Prozac yourself.

07-22-2011, 05:51 AM
I know right, I came very close to taking something due to anxiety myself. But it'd be nice if you wouldn't be a sarcastic ahole and actually answer the question that I posted since I obviously came here for information.

07-22-2011, 08:32 AM
I understand what Kev was saying, if your worried then there is defiantly some anxiety on your part. Ive noticed since I started Zoloft that I have a considerable less sex drive for me, but for a guy, I have a fairly low sex drive as it is. I dont think you should be too worried about it; Although, after 2 months I think I would be jonesin for some pootang if I was him. I dont know what to tell you other then you should ask him yourself and maybe look in to some anxiety treatment of your own if your worried about something like that.


07-22-2011, 03:15 PM
Remember a problem shared is a problem halved .

I suppose this is a worst case scenario. Sometimes, we can worry about a problem that doesn't really exist. And sharing this problem can help us to confirm that this is the case. Anyway, as far as problems with sexual dysfunction resulting from SSRI use, like most SSRI side effects, this one is 'hit or miss'. Some people experience it, but others don't. There is no way of knowing whether this guy suffers from this particular problem.

08-29-2011, 04:18 PM
I'm not going to make any comments about whether or not you have any anxiety, but to address your question....yes 10 mg is enough to affect him in that way. Also very important note though, it is the lowest dose they prescibe. a lot of people take 40mg or more. Furthermore, just because you "read" somewhere about the possible side effects, doesnt mean that he has them. You have said you wanted to wait, not him. Understandable. But my point is without talking to him about it, you wont know right now. And its not he who is declining or holding off on the sex, the way you described it. If that was the case then I could see why you might be wondering. But you didnt say anything of the sort.

I myself have dealt with the issue in the past, and yes on 10mg of Pozac. You said he's been on it a year. I can tell you from experience and having dealt with what your asking, that the longer your on it, the more the side effects go away (thats again if he EVEN is experiencing them or had in the past, which again you dont sound like you know). They are gone for me...the side effects that is and I've been on about 18 months, and they've been gone for a while.

One thing I would agree with above is communication. Talk to him. You may not find it easy at first, but it also isnt difficult. It'll show him you care, and the two of you can take it from there...and more likely than not from the little info you provided these concerns your having will be dismissed. Hope this helps

08-30-2011, 07:14 PM
10mg is not likely to have an impact on his libido, although his somewhat recent loss might. Best to play it by ear, and it can't hurt to talk to him if you approach it right. Just tell him you are new to the whole understanding medication things and ask him how he's been feeling re: side effects. You can open it up from there. Usually libido remains the same, but some people have difficulty climaxing at high doses and males might have trouble with E.D.