View Full Version : Another newbie

07-21-2011, 02:27 AM
Hi Guys,
My names phil, I'm 29 and I'm from Blackpool, England.
I've joined this forum because for the past 4 months I've been sure in my head that my wife is being unfaithful, but in my heart I know she's not.
We've been married for 3 years, together for 9 years, and we have 2 amazing boys age 5 and 2.
Everytime she is not around me, my head comes up with the worst case scenario, she's with another guy or she's looking for another place to live away from me.
We both work very hard which adds to the pressures of it all so she doesn't need me to keep asking her questions about where she is or who she's with.
I know if I don't stop thinking like this then it will drive her and the boys away and I love them too much to let that happen.
I have nobody in my life who I would be comfortable talking to about this. I saw a mental health proffesional 3 days ago who has signed me up for anxiety councelling but I am scared of what is going to happen and so I joined up here to hopefully find someone in the same situation and maybe some reassurance. Maybe I can even help someone on here if they want me to reassure them.
I feel a little better that I have taken this step already.
Thanks for reading,