View Full Version : Please help..How do I get them to understand?!

07-20-2011, 09:01 PM
Hi everyone! I am new to this site. I do not know what to do anymore. I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years now. I have been battling anxiety issues for over 10 years. My boyfriend..from the start..knew I have an anxiety disorder. He's seen me have panic attacks, hes seen me have major social anxiety issues..hes seen it all..yet..he doesn't get it..nor does he seem to care to. I ask him to just do me a favor and read about it, but he won't! I know I know..sounds like a complete jerk. I love him, but when it comes to this his reaction is absurd. Does he not want to acknowledge the fact I have this? He thinks I use my anxiety as an "excuse" for everything. The physical symptoms it causes me really holds me back sometimes. I want him to just read into it, learn a little about it..but I just can't seem to get him to do so. Anyone know of any good ways to approach this? Any good sites with just simple basic info (not 10 pages of reading) which sums it all up? Anyone have any input at all? It's frustrating and It really saddens me.