View Full Version : please help

07-20-2011, 10:50 AM
Hi everyone, I am 26 year old and I have been suffering with anxiety now for about 2 year,it is so much better than it was at the beginning. It started because one night I had a big anxiety attack I didn't no it was that well ended up in hospital with them pumping drugs in to to slow my heart rate needless to say everything was fine in the end, but since that day I have been so scared of dieing.

Now my anxiety only really plays up now when its that time of the month which I don't get lol, I have these thoughts that I cants stop so irrational thoughts there so silly but scare the hell out of me I can't sit still always on edge.

How do I get passed this I don't want to go on meds again but I am so lost, sick of it just wanna feel normal again, will I ever feel normal again?

07-26-2011, 01:44 AM
I absolutely understand. I recently began my issues with anxiety and hell yes they pick up around that time of the month. It's like one step forward, than that time rolls around and its two steps back. I'm guessing that our fluctuating hormose are making the stress worse, like when you get really irritable, and this makes our stress level rise.

I get irratinal thoughts and it's hard to control from day to day, but yeah, my time of the month is a nightmare.